Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why the humanizm is losting from the world? r we really forgetting our humanity?

Hundreds of thousands of years of human brutality....

yet somehow %26#039;humanity%26#039; means compassion.

Go figure.
Why the humanizm is losting from the world? r we really forgetting our humanity?
Yes,and,Yes. The role models that used to motivate ourselves as better human beings are all but dead. They have been supplanted by the %26#039;cult of personality%26#039;,corporate greed and out and out fraudulent politicians , who themselves are corporate puppets. There seems to be no accountability anywhere for their,Zimbawabe,Myanmar,Somal... Lanka,Japan,China...the UN is,unfortunately,a %26#039;paper tiger%26#039;.

And..%26quot;..the meek shall inherit the world..%26quot;. I will tell you what the meek shall inherit..a polluted world..a new on an old boot that was once called %26#039;Earth%26#039;..the rats will have long gone to seed the universe with their droppings. I%26#039;m;s too,too late to change this now...
Why the humanizm is losting from the world? r we really forgetting our humanity?
Do you want to do something about it or just complain?

The number one humanist in the world is barely known to anyone but university presidents and heads of state. He has 230 honorary doctorates from serious universities, yet rarely gets a line on his rare visits to the USA.

The reason for that is that many complain and few wish to take action that involves learning new viewpoints.

Is it possible not to make mistake in your life? since I'm affraid of karma?

Karma isn%26#039;t just about the mistake they can be forgiven it is how you react to the mistake. Remember life is 10% action and 90% reaction. Peace come unto you.
Is it possible not to make mistake in your life? since I%26#039;m affraid of karma?
I think that if a person was aware, early on, of the idea of Karma, he or she might make much more careful choices in life. It is not possible to avoid all mistakes. We make mistakes in the sense that we can%26#039;t always predict the outcome of our choices, and we make mistakes knowing that our actions are selfish and may hurt others. But I think an awareness of Karma can lead to greater thoughtfulness about making choices, and a better life.
Is it possible not to make mistake in your life? since I%26#039;m affraid of karma?
To err is human.There is good karma and bad karma. Some of us do our best, and no God can expect more from us humans.
Reply:Fear of making mistakes is a trap. Mistakes are necessary for growth.
Reply:It doesn%26#039;t work that have been watching too much TV or somesuch...Making mistakes is a part of life...Karma is nothing to be afraid are are in charge of your life,and,keep a close watch on can only judge yourself by what you do...and avoiding previous mistakes is a good start.
Reply:Let u all judge about my doing. I am a government law enforcer officer.

there are mistakes that cannot recovery after I have done because I have ruined of my friend%26#039;s future and his life. I control him all these years over a decade. 247 keeps an watchful eyes on him.

If he has a gf, I used her gf to whistle blowing.

If he has a family, I asked his family to watch him for me.

If he has friends, I corrupt his friend to be my friends.

If he has a job, I arrange fake interview for him

If he has a design and invention, I steal it from him

If he has a wonderful day, I ruin his happiness of the day.

If he has a lucky strike, I forfeited it his lucky prize.

if he has a food, I pissed him with all folks around him.

If he has a car to drive with, I confiscated his privileges...

If he has a lawyer to assist, I fear his lawyer away....

If he has a good business, I destroyed his business...

If he has a safety zone, I endanger his life as I see deem fit.

If he has a oversea area, I traitor him on foreigner%26#039;s land.

If he has a good life, I take his good life away.

If he has a colour, I colour him badly.

and many more.....

What has he done to deserve this? He covered for me but I crossed him.

This he is my life......haha..I am reaching 40 soon....and with 0 cents to survive.
Reply:One man%26#039;s mistake is another%26#039;s benefit.

Just make causes toward your enlightenment. YOUR enlightenment, not that of some ulterior motivated shave-pate who seeks your support for his enlightenment.
Reply:Then it might be helpful to understand karma.

Karma is not about whether or not you make a mistake, this is a Western interpretation. The issue is that your intention is taken into consideration in Karma. Mistakes are tolerable under a system like karma.

If you acted with a good intention but a situation turned out badly, karma will come back to bite you.

At least that is the theory of karma which is extremely difficult to argue logically.
Reply:If you went through your life without a mistake it wouldnt be much of a life sadly. We learn and develop character through mistakes. Im sure youve made mistakes already like burnt yourself or something . How would you know what was the right thing to do if there was wrong way of doing it.Its all a balance, go out and make some mistakes, live a bit
Reply:We are only human beings, we are bound to commit mistakes. Its not about how many times u have made mistakes in the past, its about learning from it and persevering to be a better person. Since you are afraid of karma, then you must think a lot of times before u do an act. Do what u think is right according to the laws of GOD.
Reply:ohhh u dont want to mistake thats amazing but have u ever thgt making mistake make u learn something which makes u careful for whole life .As far karma it is always said if u ding anything just see is it benifiacial and not hurting any1 and beneficial to u or other also if benficial for u but not ofr other then whats use doing this karma.

If u r saving a person but telling lie means he has done anything wrong thats bad karma...and if u saving person who is innocent and is blammed for something that was wrong saving him is Good karma

Aren't imaginary friends the most strong willed people? They don't even exist yet have the will to live on....

...with a little help from their %26quot;friends%26quot;
Aren%26#039;t imaginary friends the most strong willed people? They don%26#039;t even exist yet have the will to live on....
You cannot cage/control/kill Imagination..We need it to survive.
Aren%26#039;t imaginary friends the most strong willed people? They don%26#039;t even exist yet have the will to live on....
I%26#039;m not quite sure what you mean. When I was about 5, I had an imaginary friend. He was called %26#039;Mr. Winter-La%26#039;. I insisted that my father, an Anglican priest, married us. Imagine my horror, when my boyfriend asked my father if he would consent to our marriage and dear old Dad said, %26#039;She%26#039;s already married.%26#039;

What is lying between optimism and pessimism ?

the truth
What is lying between optimism and pessimism ?
What is lying between optimism and pessimism ?
Reply:Neutrality, which in our modern world, is usually reality. Most people in today%26#039;s society discourage passion and encourage apathy...

: (
Reply:An individual%26#039;s idea of True Reality.

The glass is half-full AND half-empty.
Reply:Normality. A rare phenomena.
Reply:In Buddhism, it would be the middle path. Where a person has neither a positive or negative viewpoint as to the outcome of future events. The future will unfold, whether it is a positive or negative outcome is a judgment we can make later.
Reply:you mean in the dictionary?
Reply:a thin line which is belief.

you believe what you want to... so if you see the glass as half full.. it%26#039;s your choice.. similarly.. if you wish to see the glass as half empty.. we can%26#039;t stop you.. it%26#039;s all down to what you wanna belief.
Reply:A bottle of vodka:)

A really strong one.

Isn't it pathetic how we ask strangers for answers?

Catch the drift?
Isn%26#039;t it pathetic how we ask strangers for answers?
Life is a commodity that doesn%26#039;t not come with an owner%26#039;s manuel. Why shouldn%26#039;t anyone ask for advise based on the facts and not on personal biases?
Isn%26#039;t it pathetic how we ask strangers for answers?
Well it just kept on drifting.
Reply:If this is true then that makes you pathetic. I do not believe you are. I believe we as humans ask others questions because we need help with an experience we are not familiar with, but they may be.
Reply:Not really..

If it%26#039;s a personal or embarrassing question that you need to ask yet don%26#039;t want to ask friends/family, then this is the perfect place.

Nobody knows you, but lots are willing to help, (:
Reply:Knowledge begins with the admission of ignorance.
Reply:Nothing pathetic about it. Helping others out is a very human trait.
Reply:Dick head.
Reply:It is not so pathetic as it is revealing about the nature of human relationships. Here one seeks contact, consolation, and advice away from the context of whom one is, because knowing one another implies not only emotional involvement, but uneasy recognition of self. It is easier to deal with others and their opinions when one controls the situation, and certainly with a stranger, one can control what (s)he wishes to reveal about self.

One can be anything here - what (s)he would like to seem in reality, doesn%26#039;t dare seem in reality, or even let the darkest side of personality prevail. It%26#039;s all a game, isn%26#039;t it? And oh so comfortingly anonymous!

Actually, pathos resides in the human condition as a whole.
Reply:Knowledge is a rare commodity because we can give it or sell it and still keep it. In fact, it increases with use because sharing it with others reinforces what we ourselves know.

So, no, it%26#039;s not pathetic and I thank you for your question. Ask another.
Reply:The sand drift? Everybody is a stranger to a degree and a family member to a degree. The question of where to place the line of difference is individually answered.
Reply:Not really, because sometimes a stranger can see your question differently from a member of your own family/friends. Sometimes it needs an outsider to help you either solve your question, or think about things in a better light,,, anyway, all advice is helpful...
Reply:Nope. Some of us are quite clever.

It%26#039;s also sometimes easier to get a straight answer from a stranger.
Reply:Ignorance is unfortunate and less than ideal, but only a bad thing when one chooses to remain ignorant. So, I%26#039;d say asking questions, of anyone, is far from pathetic. True, a stranger may not be the best source for factual/correct information, especially via cyberspace--because of anonymity, the true identity of an individual is unknown. The validity of the answers obtained is also unknown. But, from what I have seen, it seems that a large number of people ask questions to get others%26#039; opinions, and at times, advice. Again, strangers aren%26#039;t the %26quot;best%26quot; source for this, but at times the advice given here is very thoughtful and apt. And if the person posing the question is satisfied with the answer, they probably count the experience as positive. Also, it seems that a great deal of people pose questions or statement/questions to encourage debate and discussion (some seem to enjoy causing controversy). I enjoy the questions that invite debate and discussion. Maybe I%26#039;m a bit slow-witted this morning, but no, I don%26#039;t readily see what you are implying by %26quot;catch the drift.%26quot; =)
Reply:At allow us to ask without humiliation (generally speaking) and we can answer in truth (that is what I try to do anyway) without fear of rejection.
Reply:Hardly. Quite the opposite. Not asking someone for the answer to a question that we do not know if foolish.

The most common example is the person who refuses to ask for directions. Wandering for minutes and hours, wasting time and wasting gas, rather just asking someone.
Reply:Not really, though I think it depends on the type of question. Lots of people get on here and ask questions about cooking, movies, job hunting, sports, and so on, and I can%26#039;t see how that%26#039;s anything near pathetic. On the other hand, I will say that some of the marriage/relationship questions strike me as odd. Of course, free advice is usually worth what you pay for it.
Reply:Most of our presumed %26quot;answers%26quot; concering matters of imorotance come from strangers...
Reply:nopes.. you gotta get answers somewhere.. and if it%26#039;s a stranger whom you ask, so be it.
Reply:%26quot;You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star...%26quot; Nietzsche

With the chaos starts the doubt, with the doubt begins the thinking...

And 5 , 6 or more heads think better than one, don`t they?

I just wanted to know what the general deffinition was, who/what is god?

I think God is like a sort of gas, ya know.
I just wanted to know what the general deffinition was, who/what is god?
An unseen, unheard entity that only exists if you believe what the bible says....there is NO proof that any god of any kind exists it%26#039;s only in the minds of people....
I just wanted to know what the general deffinition was, who/what is god?
There is no general definition.

In a metaphysical sense there may be one as a supposed creative force for the Universe we perceive. In a mystical sense, there may be as many definitions as there are religions.

One item is obvious--to attempt to approach the concept of god with ordinary Aristotelian Logic is doomed. In that sense, god is paradox. That means the wrong tool is being used, nothing more.

I have a system of philosophy which unites all the mythical/mystical concepts and the metaphysical ones, but that doesn%26#039;t mean it is right or correct. It just means that such a theory exists.
Reply:god cannot be described. in general ,there is no question to ask who or what is god.he has given u life so enjoy it.He is the almighty and powerful.Science is not much interested in godly matters but our life depends on both scientific and spiritual.
Reply:The center of transference and denial.
Reply:%26quot;God is a concept by which we measure our pain.%26quot; --John Lennon
Reply:Any of the decided gods carry a variety of features.

1. They are supernatural and usually are considered to have some power(s) beyond human ability and comprehension.

2. They are typically considered to be immortal living forever.

3. Gods are generally considered to be the cause for the creation of the universe, for humans and varying degrees of activity in the life of the universe from moment to moment.

4. Gods are disciplinarians usually providing punishment to humans for violating their rules.
Reply:A deity invented to keep humans in a permanent state of fear,but I wonder why prisons hold child molesters,rapists,murderers and serial killers etc, whom to all intents seem immune to this vision..even terrorists,suicide bombers in thrall to their own particular deity seem to have that same immunity.I wonder why?
Reply:Consider the universe and all that is happening in it to be a story.

If that story has an author, this is the general definition of God.

Specific definitions assign personality traits %26amp; intrests.
Reply:there is no exact way to describe who or what g-d is. some people think he is there leader some peole think he created the world. i think he or something created the universe. but we all know there is something that created us.
Reply:Ive never met him personally but i heard he was a big man in the sky with a grey beard ,its something for people to believe in coz we have to believe in something, i believe in the gods from the olden days myself, they give me strength and restore my soul.
Reply:All of the above.
Reply:%26quot;Soul Reflections: Many Lives, Many Journeys,%26quot; Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D.,

%26quot;Expecting Adam,%26quot; Martha Beck, Ph.D.,

%26quot;The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?%26quot;, Free and Wilcock,

%26quot;The Great Divorce,%26quot; C. S. Lewis,

%26quot;Watch Your Dreams,%26quot; Ann Ree Colton, and

%26quot;Testimony of Light,%26quot; Helen Greaves, give some good insights.

God is Life, Truth, Love, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Joy, Peace, Mercy, Justice...among other Wordness.

Who is more intelligent - a girl or a boy?

considering all the sides of life-whether it is emtional or mental or physical.
Who is more intelligent - a girl or a boy?
Ridiculous. Both the same.
Who is more intelligent - a girl or a boy?
Reply:being a guy my self i would say girls are
Reply:Men%26#039;s brains are larger, but intelligence can%26#039;t be judged on ones sex
Reply:Neither, kids are all stupid.
Reply:girls they mature faster .. but then at a certain time the boys will catch on!
Reply:They are somehow the same you know... any of them could be more intelligent you know it actually depends a lot of the IQ... although I would like to state that all of the geniuses have been boys... Isaac Newton.... Einstein... etc
Reply:Depends on the person not the gender, and dont you start getting cocky girls.
Reply:it depends
Reply:Well, if you base it on the questions asked here on Y!A, then most definitely not girls...
Reply:Usually it girls.
Reply:girl because they are smart enough to not fight and get hurt. they just talk their way to fight. we are more complicated which makes us more intelligent. just saying.
Reply:I don%26#039;t think there is really a set answer for this one it%26#039;s kinda like comparing apples and oranges because of the differences are so great.So basically it is more the individual than the actual sex of a person.
Reply:emotionally- girls. in school years, you think everything through that you are going to say, if its not cool, or rude, or weird, etc., so the other girls dont kick you out. We go through a lot more in middle school and high school than most boys ever do in theirs lives.

The othr 2.. mental and physical, that really depends.
Reply:Boy = 9 missing 1

Girl = 1 missing 9

Combine boys and girls= 10 (perfect.)
Reply:boys because we rule, but when u look at the same, they just both have different strengths and weak
Reply:Hmm...A girl is more careful and can do many things at once..

but guys can only do one thing at once thats why they can do greater and more difficult things in life....

I think the brain of a boy is structured for advance logical reasoning. Girls are different. some get to do great things and become someone in life....
Reply:boys are smarter just look at directors and kings people who make computers and people who are into science most of them are boys.

I%26#039;m glad I%26#039;m a boy cause boys are smarter then girls :)
Reply:Girl : Always look into details, have more emotions. More mature in doing stuff and thinking stuff more emotionally like to think stuff with feelings

Guy: Brain is more...explored? And physically much stronger. Mentally cold-blooded-er than girls
Reply:Can intelligence even be measured? The capacity for reasoning and understanding in regards to any aspect of life varies from one individual to another, irrespective of gender.
Reply:a girl
Reply:sometime girl is more intelligent then boy and sometime boy is more intelligent then girl. actually it depend on the situation.
Reply:I mean in general, boys have somewhat more emotional intelligence but use it in different ways as girls. Mentally boys are raised to be tough and girls more understanding so mentally girls are more intelligent, in general.Physically boys are more intelligence as far as being made better for physical activities but girls%26#039; bodies mature quicker, in general. But there are always the exeptions to the general picture.
Reply:It%26#039;s almost impossible to judge gender intelligence because it is so different. Evolution has given the girl more dexterity and stronger intuition and foresight than the boys. She also has a higher pain tolerance and greater concentration. Language skills are superior.

However, the boy has greater physical strength, better defensive skills, and (believe it or not) more ability in building physical things. Without boys and men, cities would not be built and defended. On the other hand, without girls, men would not be inspired to build.

The two groups handle conflict differently. The male reaction is fight and win. Take it all. The female reaction is talk it out. Compromise. It very much depends on the situation as to who should be sent in to negotiate.
Reply:it really depends..because girls studies usually and is careful, unlike a guy, they don%26#039;t study and get pretty good marks girls are more intelligent, but if they don%26#039;t study guys are more intelligent.

Reply:Deffentally the girl :)
Reply:I think most women are more emotionally intelligent.

Mental it depends either one could be smarter than the other.
Reply:If you mean intelligence in terms of grades on school tests it is well known that girls are more intelligent. This is also reflected by the fact that more girls go to college than boys and more graduate. But part of this is a matter of motivation. Boys have to see a more direct benefit to %26quot;intelligent behavior%26quot; before they will do it. They will not be %26quot;intelligent%26quot; on demand as easily.

In terms of IQ tests boys and girls typically have the same distributions if you blend the verbal and math scores together. But historically boys have done better than girls in math and vise versa for the verbal. But I think it largely depends on how verbal the home life is. For example I would read to my kids for an hour every evening and my daughter got a perfect 800 SAT verbal but the interesting thing is that my son made a higher verbal score (745) than his math (690) on his SAT.
Reply:boy, but they dont use their brain.....
Reply:Both Genders can be as smart or stupid as they desire.

Anyone who said they%26#039;re own is better is too cocky.

Why do people think that everything they do is superior to what the next person does?

It%26#039;s ingrained from childhood, often in the name of family pride or school spirit. To wit:

%26quot;We don%26#039;t do that in OUR family.%26quot;

%26quot;WE%26#039;RE NUMBER ONE!%26quot;

So a child grows up assuming that whatever group he/she is a part of, is the best one.
Why do people think that everything they do is superior to what the next person does?
Some think that they are a failure at everything.
Why do people think that everything they do is superior to what the next person does?
Reply:The person experience superiority generally isn%26#039;t even interested in why someone does the things that they do.

It is usually a product of thinking my way is the %26quot;right way%26quot;. People can often use their personal morals and ethics to put down others.

Asking anyone to admit that they might be wrong, is a battle that I just avoid.
Reply:This is the average way of thinking. It%26#039;s ingrained by society. It really isn%26#039;t a bad thing to have pride in your own work, but a truly secure person can also acknowledge that the next guy%26#039;s project is also worthy of praise.

It doesn%26#039;t hurt me to tell someone that%26#039;s a pretty nifty thing they just did. On the other hand, I know that they can%26#039;t compete with me in other areas. Ok, so maybe I%26#039;m guilty, too. Ego.
Reply:I would have supplied a brilliant answer but all the other people who have already posted did such a better job than I could ever do.
Reply:I dunno either. All i know we are a dominating species. Anyway, I find it Stupid!
Reply:Not everyone feels that way, but a lot of them do. There are also a lot of people who feel inferior to other people. In both situations it probably stems from their childhood and upbringing.
Reply:We need more Reggae on the radio!
Reply:They are right to do so. It is a matter of interest.

To individuals, the ultimate motivator of their interest is the preservation of their own life and the acquisition of the means to sustain it. Human action (including thought), is the currency by which he achieves this preservation. His interests, therefore, life with his actions, in both making them better, and making them appear better.

One way individuals, by their nature, handle their actions is through custom. This ensures both the consistency of their actions, and the acceptance of them within their community.

If an individual were ever to go against his interests, he risks losing control over the preservation of his life, as he has become accustomed to doing.

So an individual is never wrong in defending his course of action, but only in the particular action they take part in (if it%26#039;s objectively objectionable), or the means by which they support their intent to commit said action. Irrational approaches to behavior will likely yield objectionable behavior and the very same risk on his life he%26#039;s attempting to avoid. So it is not in believing his course of action to be superior that an individual is at fault, but only in adopting an irrational one.
Reply:Human nature.

What's the hardest thing NOT TO believe in..?

The flesh.
What%26#039;s the hardest thing NOT TO believe in..?
Believing anything usually requires at least one piece of evidence that the believer can consider as proof.

The hardest thing to believe is that which represents a threat to a person%26#039;s sense of self or security in the world.
What%26#039;s the hardest thing NOT TO believe in..?
My life is taken by someone......
Reply:religion. i%26#039;m sure even every atheist like myself has doubts and sometimes wonders am i wrong.
Reply:ouir minds
Reply:The Material World.
Reply:Your choice of words in using %26quot;believe%26quot; is curious as there is nothing hard about not believing anything.

Perhaps you meant %26quot;what is the hardest thing not to desire, or wish for, or want, or something like that?%26quot;

Air. I desire air. Then water, and then food, in that order.
Reply:The hardest thing not to believe in is something that you%26#039;ve entrusted your whole perception of reality onto--something that has been a part of you...that has shaped you to become what you are now and how you think, act and feel about certain things.

In short, one would find it hard not to believe something that has become part of his own reality.
Reply:The hardest thing not 2 beleive in is i think GOD.
Reply:what is not there
Reply:That there are no others such as myself...

I am still searching... but have not found anyone else. But, I still have stupid faith that there HAS to be at least one other person such as myself...
Reply:every one has an unique talent and goodness in them
Reply:My hopes.. peace....

i am damn sure even osama%26#039;s heart knws tht violence is the wrong way out...
Reply:when some one who very close to my heart and soul when he/she cheats us then icant believeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... that we r in lov this person and he cheats us

What is life for?

What is life for?
to recycle the free energy at the surface of the earth.
What is life for?
Right, it is to understand yourself to the greatest extent you can. Then to find righteousness in the end of it all. Balance your life in ways of the good if you want to be rewarded. Balance your life in the bad if you want to reap consequences.
Reply:Life is a complicacy, you are born, you learn through instincts, when you have found purpose, you die. Yes tis all true. But life is something that noone can understand not even scientists. Evolution is crap, and the big bang theory crap. Noone can understand where life comes from, what it means, why we live, we just do. We come into existence find purpose and leave. That%26#039;s the basics.
Reply:Whatever you want to use it for.

The question is about a meaningful as asking what is a rock for?
Reply:It is for you to practise the principle, %26quot;live, and let live%26quot;! Live. And, let live!
Reply:i have no idea what life is for!!! its all very confusing....i have no track how many nights i have spent just lying and wondering what the heck my existence means.....i wondered about the question to the point where i became like a frustrated maniac. then i realised that until i die, nothing would be revealed to me. but dying is not the solution to finding the truth.

life, according to me, is all about making yourself happy by following your dreams but NOT at the expense of hurting others in any way!!

Reply:life is for living. and whoever said that death is the end?
Reply:Life is just the stepping stones to our final destination. Everything that happens to us in life has a purpose and causes new turns in the labyrinth that leads us to the final destination. Hopefully you%26#039;re making the right choices. Best wishes...
Reply:Its 2 enjoy and thank GOD 4 all he has given 2 us.
Reply:life is all about experiences

when you are old on your rockin%26#039;chair, you would say: %26quot;yeah, I know/saw/did that%26quot;.
Reply:truthfully i think that life is for having fun. having children. Helping your children make something of their life. Sharing the wisdom that you have recieved over the years. Sharing stories and pain that you have endured so thta others don%26#039;t have to.
Reply:to experience the most powerful force that will ever exist:

Reply:I can not speak for others...

But I believe my life was to be born, to create and to bear others who will create more.

I believe my purpose is to be better than my parents and my children, if I have any... better than me.
Reply:Life is an energy maching that creates other energy machines.

It is not %26#039;for%26#039; something, it just is.

The cycle for humans is as follows:

Child - You are created %26amp; cared for.

Adult - You care for yourself

Parent - You create %26amp; care for another.

Grandparent - You give advice.

Corpse - Thanks for playing.

If you are born, learn %26amp; die - you have failed the Darwinian test which is to reproduce, which is what the learning is for.

Existance does not %26#039;mean%26#039; anything. It just is. Play the game or check out. It%26#039;s not rocket science.
Reply:to achieve some thing and to have enjoyment with others and without hurting others
Reply:Who says it has to be for anything?
Reply:The purpose of life is life itself.
Reply:a lot of things
Reply:You%26#039;re born, you don%26#039;t know why. You%26#039;re here, you don%26#039;t know why. You go, you die. Your family dies. Your friends die.

But it%26#039;s those moments in between all the crap that life throws at you that makes it all worthwhile. Because thats all life is, it%26#039;s a series of moments.
Reply:to serve God
Reply:LIFE is an opportunity---to share, to love and to be the best person u can be. In this world of ours where there seems be a lot of chaos, hungry people around, people killing other people and things like that, we indeed need to do something to make a difference. But to change the world, we need to start with ourself. For though we may not have notice it, every act we do affects the other.

What is systematic philosophy, and how did Plato contribute to the birth of it?

Any help is greatly appreciated...
What is systematic philosophy, and how did Plato contribute to the birth of it?
By preserving Socrates.

Plato himself was a bit of a dunce.
What is systematic philosophy, and how did Plato contribute to the birth of it?
%26quot;System%26quot; is not well defined in the philosophical world. I found this description, almost word for word, in several places that should have been able to give better descriptions:

%26quot;a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school%26quot;.

Generally, a %26quot;system%26quot; is one whereby all questions can be answered that are addressed--by theme or by subject--within the philosopher%26#039;s writings, and WITHOUT CONTRADICTION.

Systems break down very easily when contradictions are found. But not all questions of philosophy can be answered by all %26quot;systems,%26quot; because the theme or subject was not addressed by the author. By %26quot;theme%26quot; and %26quot;subject%26quot; I do not mean such things as %26quot;third trimester abortions.%26quot; I mean the epistemology and metaphysics and ethics and politics that would allow one to draw a conclusion about such abortions based on those four subjects.

This is because for a %26quot;system%26quot; to work, we must be able to draw conclusions based on how the author described %26quot;the workings%26quot; of his/her metaphysics; of his/her epistemology; etc. It has nothing to do with specifics, such as Aristotle saying that essences were %26quot;in the things themselves.%26quot; It has to do with WHY he said that. From that %26quot;why%26quot; we may be allowed to draw other conclusions.

However, a system must be more than disjointed declarations of beliefs. Ayn Rand, who has some of the most vehement critics of modern philosophers, has been said not to have a %26quot;system,%26quot; thereby disqualifying her as a philosopher.

But if you read her %26quot;Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology,%26quot; she explains in detail how Man comes to have ideas.

Then you read John Galt%26#039;s Speech from %26quot;Atlas Shrugged,%26quot; and you see a non-contrdictory system at work detailing how a civilization must operate and why its principles must allow for the individual sovereignty the Constitution was intended to insure--but which, because of its own flaws, is slowly failing.

Then you read her book (and I do not mean to imply they must be read in any particular order) %26quot;The Virtue of Selfishness%26quot; and you come to understand the nature of %26quot;rational self-interest,%26quot; which was the cornerstone of her ethical system. She also wrote a book addressing only the topic of art. Other pieces of her writing fill in her system, (she wrote monthly newsletters, a newspaper column, etc) though it is true she did not address all themes and all subjects. That is an impossibility. Even Aristotle and Plato did not do that.

But until Plato, no philosopher did such a thing at all. Socrates is said to have had a system, but Socrates did no writing, so it was all up to Plato to describe the system of Socrates.

A system is, in my opinion, enough logically-drawn perceptions and conclusions (concepts) by an author so that one may extrapolate certain other answers even when the author did not explicity address them.

Isn't it crazy how we only have one shot at this life?

It would be much more crazy if we had more than one life.
Isn%26#039;t it crazy how we only have one shot at this life?
yes if we die its all over.Not a single movement or sound.
Isn%26#039;t it crazy how we only have one shot at this life?
Its to show how precious life is.

Stop playing video games and get your head into reality!
Reply:Do-overs don%26#039;t appeal to me.

The 8 year old who has been mutiliated and sold into prostitution is likely not going to have many choices no matter how many times they repeat their lives.

One shot a life is likely an indication about the quality of life the way that it is and that is usually a question of perception.

Life could be a lot better for many of us and it can also be a lot worse. The problem is that we can believe that life would turn out better when it actually could turn out worse.
Reply:I agree with emerald_mara85
Reply:Ha who said that i was someone else in a earlier life.
Reply:it does not matter how many shots

but what do u do with the one shot it is in Ur hands
Reply:If you%26#039;ve only got one shot.

Take careful aim.
Reply:i like that song, but I think that we have more then one shot and that is just a motivator to think like that, there is only one guarantee in life and that is that there is no guarantee

Eminem Lose Yourself (Dirty Version) Lyrics

Look....if you shot....or one opportunity

To seize everything you ever one moment

Would you capture it...or just let it slip, yo..

[Verse 1]

His palms are sweety, knees weak, arms are heavy

There%26#039;s vomit on his sweater already, mom%26#039;s spaghetti

He%26#039;s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready

To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgetting

What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud

He opens his mouth, but the words won%26#039;t come out

He%26#039;s choking how, everybody%26#039;s choking now

The clock%26#039;s run out, time%26#039;s up, over BLAOW !

Snap back to reality, ohh, there goes gravity

Ohh there goes Rabbit, he choked

He%26#039;s so mad, but he won%26#039;t give up that easy, nope

He won%26#039;t have it, he knows his whole back%26#039;s to this rope

It don%26#039;t matter, he%26#039;s dope

He knows that, but he%26#039;s broke

He%26#039;s so sad that he knows

When he goes back to his mobile home, that%26#039;s when it%26#039;s

back to the lab again, yo this whole rap ****

He better go capture this moment and hope it don%26#039;t pass him

You better-lose yourself in the music, the moment

You own it, you better never let it go

You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow

This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo...

You better-lose yourself in the music, the moment

You own it, you better never let it go

You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow

This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo...

[Verse 2]

Souls escaping, through this hole that is gaping

This world is mine for the taking

Make me King, as we move toward a, a new world order

A normal life is boring, but superstardom%26#039;s

Close to post-mortem, it only grows harder

Homie grows hotter, he blows it%26#039;s all over

These hoes is all on him, coast to coast shows

He%26#039;s known as the Globetrotter

Lonely roads, God only knows

He%26#039;s grown farther from home, he%26#039;s no father

He goes home and barely knows his own daughter

But hold your nose %26#039;cause here goes the cold water

These hoes don%26#039;t want him no mo%26#039;, he%26#039;s cold product

They moved on to the next schmoe who flows

He knows dove and sold nada, and so the soap opera

Is told, it unfolds, I suppose it%26#039;s old partner

But the beat goes on, dah dah dum, dah dum, dah dah


[Verse 3]

No more games, I%26#039;ma change what you call rage

Tear this ************* roof off like two dogs caged

I was playing in the beginning, the mood all changed

I%26#039;ve been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage

But I kept rhymin%26#039;, stepped right in the next cypha

Best believe somebody%26#039;s payin%26#039; the pied piper

All the pain inside amplified by the

fact that I can%26#039;t get by with my nine to

five and I can%26#039;t provide the right type of

life for my family, %26#039;cause man these god damn food stamps

don%26#039;t buy diapers, and there%26#039;s no movie

There%26#039;s no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life

And these times are so hard, and it%26#039;s gettin ever harder

Tryin to feed and water my seed plus, teetertotter

Caught up between being a father and a primadonna

Baby momma drama screamin%26#039; on her too much for me,

To stay in one spot, another day or not

Has gotten me, to the point, I%26#039;m like a snail

I%26#039;ve got to formulate a plot, or end up in jail or shot

Success is my only ************* option, failure%26#039;s not

Mom I love you but this trail has got to go

I cannot grow old in Salem%26#039;s Lot

So here I go it%26#039;s my shot, feet fail me not

This may be the only opportunity that I got


You can do anything you set your mind to man

What is really really crazy is how dishonest and cruel some people in this world can be, how unflinchingly criminal they can be such as hackers and such, druggies, just to get their own way, how they can hurt other people and not think about any of it for another moment just to get their own way, that floors me! that is never nothing that I was about so if I finish last at least I finished clean, and honest, and fair, and to me that is the most important thing in life,

Only recently have I taken the thought that we do not carry on existing after death seriously. And I watch people being miserable and being angry and just being agitated in general and they%26#039;re not thinking about how to make the most of things.

Even if we are not able to control what we are doing, we have a destiny or fate. We do have the ability to control our attitudes towards things, so we may as well.

its not crazy, but it sounds crazy when you ask it...

thanks for asking btw.
Reply:Crazy is an understatement. Life is full of misery, loneliness, suffering, and it%26#039;s all over much too soon.
Reply:Not really, as the next is ever lasting...use good judgement in this one!
Reply:Not at all. By definition, life is a one shot deal. Without the impending fact of its eventual death, can you say an entity is alive? No. To be alive is to face death. This is an obvious truth about life that can be easily observed.

There%26#039;s no cause for believing about life that which you don%26#039;t observe, but only imagine. Assumed characteristics such as afterlives, eternal lives, re-doable or repeatable lives, don%26#039;t come from an observable definition of life, but from an imagined one.

Another idea that contributes to making the truth of a one shot life seem crazy, is the confusing of life with consciousness, as in thinking that when the body dies, the consciousness persists (%26quot;lives%26quot; on). People will often refer to consciousness by other terms, such as mind, spirit, or soul.

It should be obvious to everyone that life and consciousness are not the same thing, since throughout life we often drift in an out of consciousness (deep sleep, anesthetic, coma). However, we all identify our person-hood with the contents of our consciousness (thoughts, memories, emotions) and through misappropriation we start thinking about our person-hood as if it were our life. What%26#039;s an unconscious life after all? Well the answer is that it%26#039;s still life, though probably not one we%26#039;d all be so eager to preserve.

Now, this bit is very interesting to me: the fact that in observable practice it%26#039;s obvious that life and consciousness are different things, apparently leads to further of the misappropriation, until the point is reached where people think of themselves as having %26quot;dual%26quot; lives, a physical and mental one. From this point, it is only a step to speculating about where the mental one is to be found, and what happens to it when the physical one dies.

Of course, no such life is ever observed, however, because it doesn%26#039;t exist. Consciousness is not life. It is a feature of a specific type of life, namely animal life. It leads, in human beings, to highly developed %26quot;identities%26quot;, which should never be confused with the life that bears them. As a feature of life that they are, they %26quot;expire%26quot; along with it.
Reply:It seems so. I%26#039;m not sure why it seems %26quot;crazy%26quot;, but it does. Presumably, this is how it has always been, yet, somehow it doesn%26#039;t feel %26quot;natural%26quot;, does it? You would think that after eons of evolution, we would be %26quot;hard-wired%26quot; to accept such a notion. On the other hand, some might suggest that experiencing discontent and incompleteness increases the chances for the continued survival of the species. Maybe recognizing and acknowledging the fact that we only have one life, and thus recognizing the importance of the choices we make in an otherwise meaningless blip of time which we call a life-span, helps us make better use of our time.

Do you think colours influence our life? How?

Do you think colours influence our life? How?
skin colours?? or like... red blue orange ?
Do you think colours influence our life? How?
lol a mental game of 23?
Reply:yes it influenxes ouir choices. like which toothbrush we buy which tshirt we like ect ect. also it alerts uys of things like stop sines and such
Reply:Bright colors can capture one%26#039;s attention. Why do you think all the advertisers use bright colors?
Reply:i think to an extent, yes.

for an example the only place that i had vivid, imaginative dreams is in my room and nowhere else, and my room is FILLED with bright colors like lime green and pink.
Reply:no, no i don%26#039;t.
Reply:Of course colors affect how we act, think, and feel. Especially our emotions. You may not realize it, but on a day when your feeling gloomy you may pick a dark shirt instead of a bright shirt.
Reply:Well, if there were no colors, I guess you couldn%26#039;t see anything, because everything would be the same, which would be the color of nothing-- does that make it invisible? And then so I guess that colors are pretty important. Plus, they make life beautiful. Like, if you say, %26quot;Oh, she%26#039;s a nice baby, isn%26#039;t she?%26quot;, its not the same as %26quot;Oh, she%26#039;s a nice baby, isn%26#039;t she? With her GOLDEN hair, SKY-BLUE eyes, ROSY CHEEKS and IVORY-WHITE TEETH.%26quot;
Reply:Yes, colour is so important. There%26#039;s a song called Gun Hill which is about that, it has this lyric which is %26quot;Finding the right Colours%26quot;, just seems to highlight how its something you can appreciate any moment of the day whatever you are doing, wherever you are. The song can be heard on
Reply:Traffic light colors effect my driving. Colors on my computer monitor make it easier for me to see things. Colors allow us to recognize how ripe a fruit is. Colors influence every aspect of our lives.
Reply:Yeah totally, even what colour of clothes I choose to wear depends on how I%26#039;m feeling that day. eg if I%26#039;m feeling bold and impulsive i%26#039;d wear red..and calm and collected..light blue! for me, colours amplify human emotions and certain colours (such as yellow) can instantly make me feel happier!
Reply:Influence is an issue of locus of control. Despite how you might feel in the presence of a colour, it is you who creates the feelings and the actions. Attributing your actions and choices to something external also prevents you from maintaining control of your life
Reply:I%26#039;d answer if I weren%26#039;t feeling blue.
Reply:yes, they did
Reply:I think women are more aware of colors than men are. A woman will often choose a new car based on color. I know I look at other things in a car, and am not really aware of the color for the first couple of days (unless it was pink of course). Men do pay attention to the color of their clothes, most of the time. But women seem to put a greater emphasis on it. These are personal observations.
Reply:yes but I don%26#039;t know why.
Reply:it influences everything, our emotions are led by color, funny thing is that color doesn%26#039;t really exist
Reply:i think coulers mean every thing to our life because if we didant have coulers every thing would be dull and borning and little todlars couldent do things like coulouring in
Reply:Yes . It depends on your date of birth.Some colours will be good and some will be bad for you.Just think of most memorable days and the colour of dress you were wearing on that day.
Reply:yeaps. like you would be easily angered if you are in a red room instead of a blue room.. colours affect our lives.. that%26#039;s why they have colour therapy (or whatever they call it)..
Reply:%26quot;Is color to be understood as an objective part of reality, a property of objects with a status similar to shape and size? Or is color more like pain, to be found only in experience and so somehow subjective? Or is color more like what some have said about time--that it seems real until we reflect enough, where we come ultimately to dismiss it as mere illusion? If color is more like shape and size, can we give a scientific account of it?%26quot;

Google %26quot;philosophy of color%26quot; and you%26#039;ll come up with lots of material.
Reply:Yes.Red excites, blue calms,and so on.
Reply:We are programmed at a very early age about colours,pink and blue being the first.,I feel blue,he saw red,red has always meant danger.Yellow and black is also a danger sign in the animal kingdom,meaning,back off,don%26#039;t touch.Colours are used extensively in marketing,toys and confectionery are always brightly coloured to attract children.There is more depression in the winter due to a lack of colour.So,yes I believe colours have a great influence on our everyday lives.
Reply:They influence my life sometiems by being overwhelming and busy - I find nature colours easier to cope with than masses of light s adn advertising and signs. I cut out all colour information inmy home and it is psychologically a lot easier for me.

Although some peopel attribute universal values to colours it seems a very personal realtionship so I think we make our own meanings for each colour.

Do you think 12-12-2012 will be the end?

i always heard that but i dont know why.
Do you think 12-12-2012 will be the end?
The end of what?


I am being sarcastic. I know what you mean. My question for you is %26quot;do you actually believe it?%26quot;. Because there is no logical reason to believe there is any real association between that date and Armageddon. I am pretty sick of peoples ignorant, fanatical, obsession with mysticism. If you honestly believe that anyone is capable of predicting the future then why dont you ask them for lotto numbers? Yes... its not a rumor... its a known fact. The world will end in 2012... its common knowledge. Every scientist knows it. Look... either be intelligent and look to science or dont. But if youre going to abandon reason, why dont you opt for the long-standing Catholic church instead of a 20th century myth?


I asked %26quot;the end of what?%26quot; because I am devaluing and debunking your question... it is moot and ridiculous... and has no basis in any rational debate. Asking %26quot;the end of what?%26quot; Im pretty much saying %26quot;what are you trying to get at? Do you have a point? Do you have something intelligent to discuss?%26quot;

And the fact that I am getting down thumbs for saying all this only proves my point. The only one you gave an up thumb to was the one that said %26quot;yes, definitely%26quot;... just agreeing with your superstition. If you dont want answers then dont ask questions. The fact that you downed everyone that said no only proves that you have chosen not to hear it.
Do you think 12-12-2012 will be the end?
It could be then, or it could be 8-8-2008 or 9-9-2009, etc. The Bible says that no man knows the date but God Almighty.
Reply:think about the present and life and v will live
Reply:Just look at what is going on in this world war, weather ,start of another depression and the lists goes on so i think it is starting now.
Reply:The evidence does not support the fear. This has happened throughout human history where people have anticipated the end of our species through some cataclysm. Each time, it doesn%26#039;t happen.

Some people will accept information without ever assessing how true or accurate it can be. the internet is a prime example of lots of information that doesn%26#039;t stand up to scrutiny gets passed around.
Reply:It is absolutely certain that 12/12/2012 will end at midnight that night. Be prepared! And have a nice sleep.

As soon as it passes the idiot mystics will find another date for the world%26#039;s end.

Nothing is eternal but the prophecies of doom.
Reply:She%26#039;s refering to this:

The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar forms the basis for a New Age belief, first forecast by Jos茅 Arg眉elles, that a cataclysm will take place on or about 21 December 2012, a forecast that mainstream Mayanist scholars consider a mis-interpretation
Reply:when that day is over itll be the end of that day,yes
Reply:To you young people it may not have the impact that it does to those of us that were born in the 1900s most who are gone now, but no I do not think that it will be the end, I dont think the end is really predictable, live each day as if it is your last and yet live as if you may have 100 more and time will take care of itself!
Reply:no its just a big hoax

the pre colombian indians are laughing in their graves
Reply:No. It%26#039;s just a big hoax.
Reply:NO .It will not. In India we believe in FOUR yugas and we are in the 4th YUGA that is KALIYUGA. This KALIYUGA will last for 432000 years. The Kaliyuga has started around 5000 years back, and there is a very long long way to go.If you believe in re-incarnation just imagine how many more times you have to take birth....?
Reply:ahahahah no.

its 22/12/2012
Reply:I feel, really feel it will end between 2012 and 2016. Those who don%26#039;t believe just throw their two cents in and it doesn%26#039;t matter. If they refuse to see the truth, as spelled out in the word-then that is on them. Everything happening now is spelled out clearly in The Bible. Society and it%26#039;s decaying morals, everyone is all %26quot;about them%26quot;, sexual immorality, the list goes on. Man%26#039;s 6,000 years of self rule is close to an end, and we will see it! We have passed the opening of the sixth seal, and soon the seventh will be opened. Fear not, just believe in His word and love Him. The truth will set you free!


Edit: See by many of the answers the lack of seriousness shown. Re-incarnation?? Fantasyland! Read the Bible, and when those who show ignorance towards it cry out, pray for them! For they are lost in this world of instant information and special effects they view daily. They will not %26quot;believe%26quot; until the skies open up, and then, it is too late! Peace all!

Ref: Tom..good point, but scholars have no power or effect over The Word.

Ref: Guru: So we live on and on w/o end? The bible and world events are parallel as to what is going on. We just refuse to believe it can end...and it is close my friends.

How would you organise your entire life into categories?

I find my life rather disorganised. I would like to know, if life were to be divided into categories (such as Body, Soul %26amp; Spirit or Mental, Social %26amp; Physical), what categories would you use to organise it?
How would you organise your entire life into categories?
You might consider clarifying your goals. Multiple and competing goals can leave anyone feeling disorganized in life.

Getting life in order though is also a judgment about the need for structure.
How would you organise your entire life into categories?
Mental health

Phyhsical health

Spiritual Health

Social development





Stress relief

Reply:you can%26#039;t, everything is too organized and hyped as it is, we need to do a little discordianism type thing and shake up and wake up our world, we need to rest too, no one realizes how important rest is
Reply:Inner, outer,

public, social, private, personal


Success or survival

Age categories 0-8



Reply:Divisions are arbitrary. Life is one.
Reply:Wouldn%26#039;t do it. I am not obsessive any more.

You are what you think, can you prove?

Can I prove what,,, that I am what I think I am or that my thoughts are influenced by what I am so that I am what I think about
You are what you think, can you prove?
im not what i think i am but someone else thinks i am
You are what you think, can you prove?
Considering that everything we do can be explained by the operations of our brains, and our brains produce thought, it is reasonable to assume that what constitutes %26#039;us%26#039; is our current brain activity, which will likely include our past experience as a determining factor.

Because this is a reasonable assumption to make, it does not require any further proof (from me at least), and so the burden of proof rests on anybody suggesting otherwise.

I hope this answers your question, but as Alan says it%26#039;s very vague.
Reply:You can observe a tree in front of the house. You can observe a car on the road, You are not the tree or car. You can observe your body. You are not the body. You can observe your mind. You are not the mind. But you can act as Driver or motivational force to think good and to act good. If we fail to bring this awareness then ot is difficult to controle our thoughts and actions.
Reply:Your question is vague and incomplete to the point of being sophomoric.

It is clear, however, that we are much more than just what we think we are. Out consciousness, for example, is a virtually seamless composite of our body schema (which is largely unconsciousness) and our body image (which a good part is conscious). Even the body image is composed of our sense of awareness and our sense of self, which are clearly two separate processes in our mind. Also the sense of self is on a continuum and is augmented by our experiences and social homogenization.

Exactly what you mean by %26quot;think%26quot; is also indistinct. Thinking is used to describe feelings, beliefs, attitudes, cognition, problem solving, caring, and many more functions. Do you mean all of them or just some of them, and if only some, which ones?

What is clear, however, is that I (my ego or self) is not the total sum of what I (the body image) does. This can be shown by studies in the philosophy of neuroscience and cognitive sciences.
Reply:Body, and the consciousness is %26quot;you%26quot;.

%26quot;Thinking%26quot; is mindful or unmindful reflections that mind consciousness engage and holds on to.

if Noble thoughts are encouraged at that moment you become a noble person as nobleness is the only thing that

is in existence.

if ignoble thoughts are encouraged at that moment you become a ignoble person as ignobleness is the only thing that is in existence.

But this does not mean that they remain the same. as everything is in a state of flux, and as conditions attribute to the being of a person, an ignoble can change into noble and a noble can change into ignoble.

so its a %26quot;yes%26quot;

If this question is viewed from an ultimate sense however, I have to say %26quot;no%26quot;
Reply:Yes, no, maybe..whats the question again. . . .
Reply:sure......... no problem... I THINK I%26#039;m a writer. Can I PROVE it? Yep. My BA and MFA degrees, my first mystery novel, my 2 non fiction books on male/female communicating, and my wall full of certificates for my poetry. I call that proof...

Have you ever regretted following your heart?

Nope, not once. I regrett when i don%26#039;t
Have you ever regretted following your heart?
yes, definitely.....
Have you ever regretted following your heart?
Not at all my little friend never leads me astray.
Reply:yes and no
Reply:Of course.

Doing what we desire provides temporary satisfaction or happiness which often means that events are set in motion that we may not have anticipated. Of course, if you knew that things would have turned out the way that they did, then you wouldn%26#039;t have followed your heart. The problem is not knowing how the future will unfold and more specifically, how others will act, react and behave.

As well, when we do what we want, we assume that things will turn out as we wanted to them rather than accepting things as they are.
Reply:Since my heart is in my chest, we move together.
Reply:Nobody ever truly feels regret until they are over 50.

People younger than 50 still think everything is fixable.

Only as you pass middle age do you begin to realized that some things are final, and without the understanding of finality of events can you regret what can no longer be fixed.
Reply:Yes. The heart, emotions can trick the head. But then again, trial and error are great teachers. Mistakes do heal and you become stronger. Sometimes in life- you must take chances, jump into the unknown and have hope that things will work out. Even if it didn%26#039;t exactly work out- you know you have the courage for future times when things will work out.
Reply:On occasion, yes.
Reply:Not when I really listened to it!
Reply:Oh, please don%26#039;t get me started!
Reply:If you mean have I regretted afterwards doing things that I really wanted to do at the time, yes.
Reply:Oh yeah. Every time. I just keep the dam thing shut off now.
Reply:Yes,,, quite a few times,,, but unfortunately its the way i am...
Reply:BRP: I disagree with you. When your child dies, and you lose your heart, a piece of your soul and your reason for living, it is not fixable. And you feel much regret, even if you still have many years (or several =) ) before reaching the age of 50.

My answer to your question, love, is yes, I have greatly regretted following my heart. If I could have prevented one moment of the pain my sweet, beautiful child, with one of the most precious spirits of any person God has ever allowed to live, experienced in her short life of 20 years, I would have never brought her into this world. She was the ultimate example or expression of my following my heart--she was my heart. And now she%26#039;s gone.

Need advice on career in philosophy/psychiatry?

I need advice as to what career I can pursue based on my interests. I am interested in philosophy and trying to figure out the nature of reality. I%26#039;m interested in how the mind works (or brain) and how and why certain substances/chemicals alter perception. Based on this, I thought I could be a psychiatrist and continue studying philosophy. I don%26#039;t want to be merely a psychologist because I want to know more on how certain drugs affect the mind and how the body relates to that. However, I don%26#039;t know if I support all psychiatric practices such as ECT or certain drugs. I don%26#039;t know if they are harmful, yet I%26#039;m still really interested in finding out more and perhaps revolutionizing psychiatry into something better. Is this a good plan, or do you have any other suggestions based on my interests?
Need advice on career in philosophy/psychiatry?
lol, prof.
Need advice on career in philosophy/psychiatry?
The only %26#039;job%26#039; that philosophy is good for is professor. Philosophy isn%26#039;t about %26#039;jobs%26#039; or the %26#039;real world%26#039; (as it%26#039;s called) its about important things.

Psychiatry could get you a job with the NHS or you could go private with proper training. If you don%26#039;t agree with some aspects, you can specialise in a way that won%26#039;t cause conflict.

Who has it worse in life? men or women?

what do you think?
Who has it worse in life? men or women?
Men...although it is no walk in the park for women either.
Who has it worse in life? men or women?
You have to be more specific about what you mean by worse for that to be a useful or meaningful question.
Reply:Men dont have to go around with babies and stuff inside them, thats pretty bad i reckon. we just have to do a poo not have a baby
Reply:I think women. There is so much pressure on us to look super slim and sexy ALL the time, and we are judged for not wearing the latest trends or whatever. I know there%26#039;s pressure on men too but I personally believe the pressure to look good is greater on women. We are expected to conform to the size zero models on the catwalk and for many of us (myself included) this could never be a reality. I drive a Mitsubishi pick-up truck (L200 Warrior) and people look at me like I must be this butch lesbian because of it. I feel like hanging a sign on the bumper saying %26quot;I use this to tow my horse trailer%26quot;! Though men don%26#039;t have it that easy either, that%26#039;s just my opinion.
Reply:I think that they are pretty equal. women have that monthly thing from hell and pregnancy while men have to endure the emotional beatings from women! however, if men find other men attractive and stay away from females, they could avoid this altogether.
Reply:Men?!! What!! I wish I were a man... You guys have it easy!! Women have it worse in life-- 9 months of carrying around a bowling ball in your stomach, 26 hours of painstaking labor, stomach left looking like a road map... THEN you have to care for this new addition to the world. And if you%26#039;re like most women in America, you have to raise the child on your own because most boys don%26#039;t seem to mature to MANhood!!

I don%26#039;t have children yet, but trust me.... I%26#039;m not looking forward to it. %26quot;Men%26quot; have it easy in America... especially if you are a white male. Life couldn%26#039;t be easier
Reply:in the normal day routine catagory, ill say woman because men are led by common sense and when we see stupidity we laff at it..whereas women are led by emotion and they suck up everything in there surroundings like a sponge as if all of it is affectual to about

in child rearing definitely the women..i wouldnt wanna think about pushing anything out my *****

in careers id say men, because predominately ..not all but most men do manly jobs, construction,farming,and so on

in womens feilds they are predominately behind a desk with a/c and no constant screaming from the boss....

o i almost forgot...the skinny thing is on women too but thats all in there head...guys just dont have to care..unless theyre those nuetered males...girls have it stuck in there head that they have to be hot....not that that dont help but regardless they do that to themselves.....thats my 2 cents
Reply:A simple answer to this would be to find which are most happy.
Reply:Feeling sorry for ourselves isn%26#039;t a solution to any problem that either gender may face in life.

Men have it worse, but they choose to keep things the way that they are.

Women have it worse, but they choose to keep things the way that they are.
Reply:It%26#039;s all a bad bargain. I feel women got the worst wrap.But frankly they are creating it to be even worse for themselves. Frankly better to take up the process of Self realization and realize that we are not this material body, IE; Race, color, nationality, Religion, gender, mind, intellect, senses, job, etc. We are all eternal spirit souls, part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, also known as Krishna, Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, etc. We never die, only this mortal body dies. This material world is not our real home, it is called Maya (illusion) and is temporary and full of misery, only one fourth of the souls come here, and the rest are enjoying blissful eternal loving relationships with our Maker named above. We fell here due to envying Gods position. He made the material world for those who want to try to live separately from Him (Which is impossible because He is actually everywhere). After many lifetimes of trying to be happy in this temporary world, one becomes frustrated and board and begins to question their existence. We then seek out real happiness, and when one becomes sincere God reveals how to come back Home. Those who are intelligent, take up the process of self realization (Bhakti Yoga), which begins with the chanting of the Maha Mantra, (the great mantra for deliverance from all suffering and illusion), which gives one real peace, happiness and reality. (see my profile for a link for all info on this mantra). Then at the end of life, they can give up all material attachments and fully surrender to God and return to the eternal Kingdom, where there is no more birth, death, old age, or disease and be eternally happy. For info. Go to Read Bhagavad Gita- As it is by Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada you can read it on line.

I coose Reality, so next life I get my real spiritual body, not this lump of flesh. Peace and love.

Things that made me thought of these were the crime rates high, mostly were men,

most homeless too were men,

most dangerous jobs were for men,

toughest resposibilities in the society were mostly for men.

most layed out at work were men..and

most fall into temptations were men.

Because men have the toughest challenges here on earth!

Their masculinity (masculine energy itself) is as strong as the challenges that they have to face in life. Sometimes even more.
Reply:A lot depends on how you define what makes life good or bad. If it%26#039;s SALARY men are ahead women earn less, RESPECT of colleagues men still have the advantage amongst men, WORK the saying a man works from dawn to dusk but a woman%26#039;s work is never done is still relevant today although women now work in the home and out. There are exceptions in both genders. One more thing childbirth is worth it.
Reply:I think both men and women has equal pains in life but I think women endure more. However, each has equal rewards and happiness. Women suffer with periods, menopause, pregnancy/childbirth, career, domestic duties, keeping yourself attractive and stay in fashion, and sex without being in the mood. However, women have many great things in life, i.e. love for their children that cannot compare to men, active and close relationships with friends which you can talk out the most personal matters (it relieves stress and sometimes get good advice and empathy), etc. Mother and daughters usually end up as best friends when they are older. Why do you think women receive a lot more phone calls and cards on mother%26#039;s day than on father%26#039;s day. When men pilots is about to have a plane crash, most say %26quot;I love you mom%26quot;. Steve Martin once said, %26quot;America is Mom, Apple Pie and Toyotas%26quot;. Women is surrounded by love from family, relatives and friends. When I eat my mother%26#039;s cooking, it is delicious because it contains love as an ingredient no chef can add. Receiving and giving love is the most enriching experience for women in their lives.

For men, he is expected to be the bread winner and usually experience great stress in keeping and upgrading their career path. Times are very tough and stressful if he loses his job and desperately find a new one. By tradition men are taught not to cry and talk about their problems. Many men will hold in the painful emotion and it can manifest itself in anger even verbal and physical abuse. They are hesitant to talk with men friends about their personal problems. Some men must join the military and in front lines risking their lives. And men always have the %26quot;honey do list%26quot; to do.

Men generally do less in a relationship. Their escape is watching sports on TV, going out with the guys, play sports like golf or tennis.

My motto is %26quot;give generously and you shall receive more than you gave, give little you get back less than you gave%26quot;.
Reply:Women! We have been prejudiced against since the beginning of time. Women have always been referred to as the lesser sex. We live in a masculine society. Furthermore, women are expected to be perfect. Slim, beautiful, etc. and if we%26#039;re not, we%26#039;re considered even more inferior. If a man is assertive or even belligerent, he is just considered opinionated. However, if a woman displays the same characteristics, she is a b#%26amp;ch. And, all of this is on top of what we have for a week each month.

I do find it interesting though that everyone seems to think that their sex is the most put upon.
Reply:I%26#039;d say women.

Women, to be accepted by society, are supposed to be skinny, sexy whores, while men are allowed to be fat slobs who leech off their wives (no offense men, my father was like this) For example, Family Guy.

Women have periods that hurt like a guy getting kicked in the balls for a whole week 24/7, our first sex hurts like a moT.her. fu.ckrrr. and pregnancy is hell.

We have to slather makeup over ourselves every morning and do our hair to be %26quot;beautiful%26quot;.

Men, they have it much easier, I%26#039;d say.

Then again, we women get to kick them in the balls whenever we want them to have instant pain %26gt;D

What is the "full form" of your L.I.F.E?

Are you asking what my waist size is?
What is the %26quot;full form%26quot; of your L.I.F.E?
I%26#039;m sure many people are confused as to what exactly you are asking (if anything). Please clarify.
What is the %26quot;full form%26quot; of your L.I.F.E?



Reply:Oh, isn%26#039;t this cute? Now we are playing 2nd grade word games!
Reply:full form of life cannot be limited to %26quot;English%26quot; letters.
Reply:L.I.F.E. is for me its very difficult in these 4 alphabetic but i m trying ,






Full of


Are introverted or extroverted?

I%26#039;m a very introverted person.
Are introverted or extroverted?
extroverted most of the time.
Are introverted or extroverted?
Reply:when i was younger i was extroverted, now i%26#039;m introverted
Reply:My stomach is introverted and my nose is extroverted.
Reply:Definitely introverted too
Reply:According to Jung I%26#039;m 100% introverted...

Things that happen outside my mind are of secondary importance. Ideas are more important than things or events.

Doesn%26#039;t this belong under psychology?
Reply:These are my great 2 personalities.

Sometimes I am just one or the other.

I am extroverted with the people I used to be with..

The rests mostly intoverted.
Reply:Defining one%26#039;s self in this way has a few problems. I am probably close to an equal mixture of both depending on what is going on in life.

Some are introverts and extroverts, but not necessarily by %26quot;choice%26quot;. By this I mean someone may be introverted because of fear and anxiety, not because it is a basic component of the personality. Change the fear and the anxiety and the person becomes more themselves and far more extroverted.
Reply:I tend to be an extreme of both or maybe it is a balance of both. I like to be focused inward yet I love to help others. Thanks.
Reply:Fairly introverted.
Reply:I believe something like 75% of the population is extroverted. So it is interesting that 5 of the 7 people who gave clear answers to this so far have said they were introverted. I am as well, so that would make 6 of 8, or 75% introverted.

I wonder if that is due to the category, philosophy is a rather introspective field, or if introverts just tend to be more active on the web. It would be interesting to ask this in other categories and compare the results.
Reply:I%26#039;m pretty introverted although not completely. 75 % introverted, 25 % extroverted.
Reply:when I was younger I was introverted, but now I am mostly extroverted. When I am uncomfortable with my surroundings I become introverted again.

I prefer to be alone, I like the silence and quietness but unfortunately most of extrovert doesn%26#039;t understand introvert and often think that it%26#039;s because we don%26#039;t like to be with them or because we are depress.

Introvert has to understand extrovert but extrovert seems not able to conceive this %26quot;condition%26quot;.

Sorry if my english is not 100% my first language is french.

Philosophy question: Nietzsche?

How did Nietzsche view women? I%26#039;m undecided on this question because sometimes he%26#039;s flattering and other times he is not. What do you think?
Philosophy question: Nietzsche?
Consider the time and place where he came from and the general attitude about women. Flattery, in my view, is not having a good opinion of someone.

We do, as he did, live is social times where there is some sense of the dominant viewpoints on certain issues by people.

The bulk of philosophy, psychology, medicine, science, etc. had a decided slant at the time and in certain locations in the world.
Philosophy question: Nietzsche?
Having read most of Nietzsche%26#039;s works, I have concluded that his views were mostly negative.

I find this a major weakness of Nietzsche because although he was able to transcend almost all other prejudices of his time, he was still unable to overcome chauvinism.
Reply:Here%26#039;s a brief bio of the woman he was in love with:

He wrote %26quot;Thus Spake Zarathustra%26quot; while reeling under her influence.
Reply:I believe he didn%26#039;t have a positive view of women, but I think this might be due to his lack of success with women.
Reply:Nietzsche had a low opinion of women. He believed woman are naturally weaker than men, they have an instinct for a secondary role, represent the slave morality because they have a tendency for religion, are concerned mostly with self-preservation and are petty.

While at times he seems to be complimentary, these instances must be taken in context. They are not truly compliments as much as they are a admission of some type of worth or relevance in women, an admission that women do indeed have a role to play in the natural order.

%26quot;From the beginning, nothing has been more alien, repugnant, and hostile to woman than truth -- her great art is the lie, her highest concern is mere appearance of beauty. Let us men confess it: we honor and love precisely this art and this instinct in women -- we who have a hard time and for our relief like to associate with beings under whose hands, eyes, and tender follies our seriousness, our gravity and profundity almost appear to us like folly. ...%26quot;
Reply:Nietzsche had a lot opinion of women, but he also had a low opinion of men, animals, God, politics, and society in general. He was a nihilist, so take everything negative he says about women with a grain of salt.
Reply:Nietzsche%26#039;s writing on women is consistent with his STYLE OF WRITING. If a reader approaches the text in want of opinions, a writer the caliber of Nietzsche permits no insight beyond this, for Nietzsche is without a doubt also one of the best READERS of the most authoritative books.

Now, what are the most important, authoritative books, and how are the topics arranged in those works? Compare this, then, to what the majority now choose to read: newspaper, periodical, and digest. Nietzsche%26#039;s talent extends well beyond the blinking reader. A careful reader of important texts learns, as if merely through exposure to these texts, to look for %26quot;what is left unsaid%26quot;. This lasting look perceives what blinking intends to overlook.

When Nietzsche writes of women there is tacit pointing to the other elements in his thought and composition. This is, of course, further informed by his intimacy with music. A female reader who is capable of a reckoning with Nietzsche cannot possibly be the beneficiary of general accomodation. Instead, Nietzsche is selective, strict, and upholds those traditional conditions we associate with eros. Either one is elevated or ruined. Such is life...In the famous photograph taken at Lucerne, it is Nietzsche who put the whip in Lou Salome%26#039;s hand. IF you want to feel, love, live fully, dangerously, Life will make you pay the toll.

Do you believe in faith?

Yes, faith clearly exists.

But that doesn%26#039;t mean I have to like it...

Edit: Judging by the additional details, I think you meant %26#039;fate%26#039;. In which case, no. Things just happen. Sometimes not even for a good cause%26amp;effect reason.
Do you believe in faith?
Faith is something that you can do. There is no doubt that it is real.
Do you believe in faith?
yes, faith can do wonders.
Reply:faith clearly exists, there is no qeuestion.

If you mean a cosmic reason, no.

Cause and effect, that%26#039;s it
Reply:The function of the mind is to make rapid assumptions based on partial data.

Faith is all we have.
Reply:How come u guys all think %26quot;oh fate? Of course it exists.%26quot; What proof do u have? I don%26#039;t think fate exists. but faith is just beliving in something w/ no proof. Heck, i belive in magic... thats faith. So... faith exists but i don%26#039;t think fate does.
Reply:No not in blind faith! But in faith/confidence that arise with wisdom and clear comprehension.

If it is Fate you are asking:

Everything arise due to conditions coming together, when condition change so does the occurrence, so Fate is not an ultimate truth.
Reply:You use faith in your daily life every single day. How?

Well, when you go to bed at night you have faith that you are going to get up the next morning. Then when you turn on the shower, you have faith that the water is going to come out and will be at the temperature you set it on. Then when you get in the car, you have faith that it is going to start and faith that it is going to get you to where you need to go. Then when you get to work, you have faith that your job will still be there, faith that the chair you sit on is going to hold you up, etc., etc., etc.

You even had faith that people would read and answer your question. So, yes I do believe in faith.

Of course, I also believe in and have faith in God. Do I think things necessarily happen for a reason. I don%26#039;t know, but I have enough faith in God not to question his wisdom. We only see things from this side, but he knows the end from the beginning so I choose to rely on him knowing what%26#039;s best for me in the LONG run.


Thanks for the thumbs down. I had faith that I was going to get some and you didn%26#039;t let me down. See, faith does exist and it works!!

Three things you want to do in your life time?

1. Publish something (likely)

2. Achieve some measure of political power (not likely)

3. Not die (totally impossible)
Three things you want to do in your life time?
Hmm probably travel the world... I%26#039;d say Greece, Italy, and hmm i dono maybe egypt :P AS well as somewhere tropical.

I want to have built a life for myself, gain wisdom and knowledge, know myself, and be happy with who i am %26amp;my life

Then i want to meet my better half and do everything else with him, and of course someday have a family
Three things you want to do in your life time?
Travel Europe extensively, maybe even move there (art).

Engender kindness.

Hang around (i%26#039;m 50) for just one more incarnation of %26quot;Star Trek%26quot;.
Reply:1) convince people that polls aren%26#039;t philosophy

2) have people stop asking %26quot;what is the meaning of life?%26quot;

3) have more sex
Reply:Realistically- have a big happy family, live on a farm, and become an amazing massage therapist.
Reply:1. Jump out of an air plane

2. Get Married

3. Go see the Pyramids
Reply:fall in love with someone who loves me back unconditionally, pursue and succeed in a profession that i love (singing, acting [voice-over/indie], cooking or writing), Just be happy.
Reply:to be happy with who iv become and what iv achieved

to have success in life

to have friends and family that i love and tust
Reply:i want to learn... anything %26amp; everything. like many people i have the capacity but not the opportunity for education %26amp; it kills me that my mind is being wasted...

i want to travel... unfortunately, once again finances hold me back, all my life my dream job has been wildlife photography or filmmaking, but i dont even have money for a camera let alone a flight to a tropical paradise...

i want to make a stable life for my daughter... sadly even this, something everyone should me able to do, eludes me. why? once again, it%26#039;s about money!

it seems to me that there should only be one thing i should want to do in my life %26amp; that%26#039;s win the bloody lottery! i guess this is what i get for not being moneygrabbing %26amp; materialistic like most people...
Reply:1. I want to be a good human being.

2. I want to be a good human being.

3. I want to be a good human being.
Reply:1. Hike the ruins of Manchu Picchu.

2. Live as a very poor person in Europe.

3. Get my black belt in taekwondo.

Do you stick to you own gut instincts?

or let others sway you their way
Do you stick to you own gut instincts?
Do you stick to you own gut instincts?
Most of the time... And the times i havent, iregret.

So follow your instincts.. can%26#039;t do you wrong.
Reply:I usually go w/ my gut. . . unless a gun is being pointed at it.
Reply:Depends if you are a leader or if you are a follower. I am very independent so letting people sway me their way is not a happening thing. I just told me mom what this question was and she agreed with my answer. If you are a follower you will tend to keep in your own ideas in fear of losing potential grasp with a group. If you are independent like me and a leader, you choose to let out your ideas and be the person everyone follows. Whatever you do, and its not just becuase im independent, dont let people throw you around, if you have an idea, let it with no fear

Hope this helps
Reply:depends, do you really think people do things one way all the time?
Reply:I stick to what I believe is right, which sometimes is just a little common sense. I don%26#039;t give anyone a sermon, just my opinion. Whether they do it or not is up to them. You can%26#039;t let people sway you. You have to have some self-confidence.
Reply:Depends if I really trust the person who is telling me this. I decide whether I agree or not. Also, the only way us humans have known rite form wrong was being taught to believe it. Who taught u math a teacher. Who taught u religion, a priest or rabbi or something.
Reply:I stick to my gut. peer pressure doesn%26#039;t really work on me :)
Reply:More times than not.I%26#039;ve learned to trust my %26quot;gut instincts%26quot; over my span of 60 yrs.
Reply:I usually stick to my gut.

like on everything.


tests at school.

opinions on people. (cuz i%26#039;m usually right)

and a lottt more.
Reply:I stick to my gut instincts they have never let me down I am not easity swayed what is good for others is not neccessarily good for me and vice versa
Reply:always stick to the instincts of myself

they are always right for me
Reply:I don%26#039;t go with my gut when I can go with my logic instead. Still, I try not to be dogmatic or close minded, so I%26#039;m always willing to be persuaded by a better logical argument than my own.

Honestly, take a look at George W. Bush. He%26#039;s a guy who goes with his gut and doesn%26#039;t let others sway his opinion. It may have gotten him to the White House, but it%26#039;s screwed so many other people in the US, Iraq, and elsewhere in the process that I can%26#039;t help but see it as a terribly flawed philosophy.

Is logic universal or subjective?


there is no definite other than Man%26#039;s interpretation of it...
Is logic universal or subjective?
Logic is meaningless unless applied to a subject.

But I would consider the principal of logic to be universal.

The universe is fire %26amp; logic.
Is logic universal or subjective?
Your question is very vague, and my answer must then be as well.

Logic is a human invention into greater objectivity of cause and effect. In general, if we have a concept %26#039;c%26#039; that we speak about, the way another individual can understand %26#039;c%26#039; is by us describing the objective qualities and letting the individual interpret these qualities. Thus, logic forms the objective interpretation of our thoughts and allows for easy communication, BETWEEN HUMANS.

However, if you mean %26#039;universal%26#039; between humans, I may agree. However, there is subjectivity to logic, because it was invented from a human point of view. If we took, for instance, an animal such as a bat that could speak english, the bat may not be able to understand because of the subjective nature of the argument i.e. because logic was built for the human brain construct to interpret and understand, and not any other.
Reply:Logic is as objective as math. Man thinks and speaks in syllogisms, or in parts of them. When you answer a question, your answer is the conclusion of a syllogism--or many syllogisms- that your mind had to go through to get the answer, which is called a %26quot;conclusion.%26quot;

There are 256 forms of syllogisms. Aristotle formulated them, and no one has come along to dispute that number. He formulated the means by which they work--in any language. He formulated the mere 15 of the 256 which are %26quot;valid.%26quot;

If it can be stated there are 256 forms, and only 15 are valid, that is pretty objective. See page 5 for the valid forms.
Reply:Lee p,I wish I had said that.
Reply:IT depends on what you mean by the term %26#039;logic%26#039; most laypersons just mean, by the word %26#039;logic%26#039; that it is a way of comming to conclusions.

However, %26#039;Logic%26#039; properly understood is a formal method of inference. The %26#039;logic%26#039; we use, especially in semantics, linguistics, philosophy, and mathematics, is a formal method that mathematicians use to establish conclusions in their proofs.

Here is a very simple and commone Proof that employs the inference rule Modus Ponendo Ponens:

1. If P then Q.

2. P.


C. Q.

The premises (1) and (2), by virtue of their logical form, necessarily entail (C). That is, if the premises (1) and (2) are both true, then it is completely impossible for the conclusion (C) to be false. Another way of saying this, in regards to the simply proof above, is that (C) is true by virtue of modus ponens on (1) and (2).


Logic is only %26#039;subjective%26#039; in the sense that it literally %26#039;happens%26#039; or takes-place in the mind of a being capable of understanding reasoned inference.

Logic is %26#039;objective%26#039; in the sense that anything capable of understanding reasoned inference, if confronted with a logically valid and sound argument - for the sake of %26#039;rationality%26#039; they must except the conclusion (again, if all the premises are true in the deductively-valid argument being put forth, then the conclusion must follow of necessity).

Logic is, probably, the most %26#039;objective%26#039; piece of understanding in terms of %26#039;universality%26#039; that we humans have. IF logic were not this, it would not even make sense to reject anything on any basis, for it is %26#039;logic%26#039; that even allows such a process to be coherent.


Again, I cannot stress the idea that if one believes %26#039;logic%26#039; to be %26#039;subjective%26#039; in the sense that %26#039;it is not true independent of peoples feelings%26#039;, then they must reject all of mathematics as a mere %26#039;subjective%26#039; affair, for mathematics is formally built upon formal- logic and set-theory (which is an extension of formal-logic), and mathematics seems to be the best description of the world, or the universe for the matter, that we humans have. So, if formal-logic turns out to be subjective, in the aforementioned sense, then mathematics will also turn out to be subjective in that very sense as well. And, if all of that happens, then the world is basically either imcomprehensible in it%26#039;s entirity, or else %26quot;what - we -think -we -know -about - the - world%26quot; is very, very wrong, even simple trival facts like, %26#039;I am a man,%26#039; or %26#039;I exist,%26#039; or %26#039;I am not both dead and alive right now%26#039; would be completely unfounded.

So, I must say that logic - as it has been understood for the past 3,000 years, is the precursor to all-other sciences and forms-of-understanding.

I once read that %26#039;logic%26#039; is considered the %26#039;first-science%26#039; from which everything else is built up from.

(Hope this helped) and please see the sources for help, especiall the %26#039;google books%26#039; one.

Reply:Logic is very subjective. Your logic is formed by your life experiences. If you were raised a cult, you would not object to getting married at a young age to a sixty-year-old man as you would think that it was the norm. However if you were a child who had grown up in suburban Pennsylvania, you would object to getting married to a man five times your age because your life experiences tell you that it is wrong.