Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do you think 12-12-2012 will be the end?

i always heard that but i dont know why.
Do you think 12-12-2012 will be the end?
The end of what?


I am being sarcastic. I know what you mean. My question for you is %26quot;do you actually believe it?%26quot;. Because there is no logical reason to believe there is any real association between that date and Armageddon. I am pretty sick of peoples ignorant, fanatical, obsession with mysticism. If you honestly believe that anyone is capable of predicting the future then why dont you ask them for lotto numbers? Yes... its not a rumor... its a known fact. The world will end in 2012... its common knowledge. Every scientist knows it. Look... either be intelligent and look to science or dont. But if youre going to abandon reason, why dont you opt for the long-standing Catholic church instead of a 20th century myth?


I asked %26quot;the end of what?%26quot; because I am devaluing and debunking your question... it is moot and ridiculous... and has no basis in any rational debate. Asking %26quot;the end of what?%26quot; Im pretty much saying %26quot;what are you trying to get at? Do you have a point? Do you have something intelligent to discuss?%26quot;

And the fact that I am getting down thumbs for saying all this only proves my point. The only one you gave an up thumb to was the one that said %26quot;yes, definitely%26quot;... just agreeing with your superstition. If you dont want answers then dont ask questions. The fact that you downed everyone that said no only proves that you have chosen not to hear it.
Do you think 12-12-2012 will be the end?
It could be then, or it could be 8-8-2008 or 9-9-2009, etc. The Bible says that no man knows the date but God Almighty.
Reply:think about the present and life and v will live
Reply:Just look at what is going on in this world war, weather ,start of another depression and the lists goes on so i think it is starting now.
Reply:The evidence does not support the fear. This has happened throughout human history where people have anticipated the end of our species through some cataclysm. Each time, it doesn%26#039;t happen.

Some people will accept information without ever assessing how true or accurate it can be. the internet is a prime example of lots of information that doesn%26#039;t stand up to scrutiny gets passed around.
Reply:It is absolutely certain that 12/12/2012 will end at midnight that night. Be prepared! And have a nice sleep.

As soon as it passes the idiot mystics will find another date for the world%26#039;s end.

Nothing is eternal but the prophecies of doom.
Reply:She%26#039;s refering to this:

The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar forms the basis for a New Age belief, first forecast by Jos茅 Arg眉elles, that a cataclysm will take place on or about 21 December 2012, a forecast that mainstream Mayanist scholars consider a mis-interpretation
Reply:when that day is over itll be the end of that day,yes
Reply:To you young people it may not have the impact that it does to those of us that were born in the 1900s most who are gone now, but no I do not think that it will be the end, I dont think the end is really predictable, live each day as if it is your last and yet live as if you may have 100 more and time will take care of itself!
Reply:no its just a big hoax

the pre colombian indians are laughing in their graves
Reply:No. It%26#039;s just a big hoax.
Reply:NO .It will not. In India we believe in FOUR yugas and we are in the 4th YUGA that is KALIYUGA. This KALIYUGA will last for 432000 years. The Kaliyuga has started around 5000 years back, and there is a very long long way to go.If you believe in re-incarnation just imagine how many more times you have to take birth....?
Reply:ahahahah no.

its 22/12/2012
Reply:I feel, really feel it will end between 2012 and 2016. Those who don%26#039;t believe just throw their two cents in and it doesn%26#039;t matter. If they refuse to see the truth, as spelled out in the word-then that is on them. Everything happening now is spelled out clearly in The Bible. Society and it%26#039;s decaying morals, everyone is all %26quot;about them%26quot;, sexual immorality, the list goes on. Man%26#039;s 6,000 years of self rule is close to an end, and we will see it! We have passed the opening of the sixth seal, and soon the seventh will be opened. Fear not, just believe in His word and love Him. The truth will set you free!


Edit: See by many of the answers the lack of seriousness shown. Re-incarnation?? Fantasyland! Read the Bible, and when those who show ignorance towards it cry out, pray for them! For they are lost in this world of instant information and special effects they view daily. They will not %26quot;believe%26quot; until the skies open up, and then, it is too late! Peace all!

Ref: Tom..good point, but scholars have no power or effect over The Word.

Ref: Guru: So we live on and on w/o end? The bible and world events are parallel as to what is going on. We just refuse to believe it can end...and it is close my friends.

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