Thursday, March 26, 2009

Whats the difference between dreams and ambition?

hard work
Whats the difference between dreams and ambition?
Dreams are what you desire to happen in your life, ambition is the motivation that makes you get up and do what is necessary to achieve your dreams.
Whats the difference between dreams and ambition?
When you follow a dream so hard that it seems that%26#039;s the only thing remaining to go after in your life that%26#039;s your ambition.
Reply:Dreams are ideas that you want to put in action but haven%26#039;t

Ambition is dreams with action behind them
Reply:They%26#039;re kinda inter-related....

But dreams are what you want....and ambition is the drive to do what is nessecary to get there.

You can dream to play for your country in the worldcup...

But Ambition gets you up everyday and practicing.
Reply:Ambitions are something that you really really want, like getting a really good job. Dreams are more like something that you desire, but you don%26#039;t necessarily have to work to get it, such as a dream of winning the jackpot, or getting a dream house.
Reply:I would say that dreams are things or goals that you hope or want, and ambition is the drive to actually make your dreams happen. You can dream, but without ambition, you won%26#039;t attain anything.
Reply:First you dream up what you want to do, and then you get ambition to follow through and make the dream a reality.
Reply:Dreams are natural in your everyday way of life, but ambitions are some memories left out very deep into your memory and when dreaming it may slip from inside and suddenly dreaming something that you really desire....
Reply:the difference between the fuel and the worlds at night it propels your through
Reply:dreams are what you want to happen but practically know you%26#039;re never going to get there; everyone wants to win the lottery thats a dream.

but an ambition is wanting to do something and having the motivation to do it; your dream job or dream holiday.
Reply:kinda same to me...

We need ambition to achieve dream...

We cannot come true dream without ambition...

kinda different to me...
Reply:Dreams should be the unrestrained possibility in front of you,ambition the decisive choice among them that you act upon.
Reply:Dreams are visions of what you want to accomplish. Ambitions are goals or levels you want to achieve.

When you dream, you visualize a direction you want to follow, such as building a legacy for yourself and your family.

Your ambitions are often the steps you take to work towards what you dream, such as wanting to build wealth, have a family, own homes.

Many achieve ambitions, few fulfill their dreams.
Reply:we can have dreams ! we all have dreams, but it%26#039;s the ambition that makes a difference. If we are not ambitious we may not achieve our dreams. you can take dreams as plans and ambition as tools...
Reply:Perspiration, connections, and luck.

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