Thursday, March 26, 2009

Isn't it pathetic how we ask strangers for answers?

Catch the drift?
Isn%26#039;t it pathetic how we ask strangers for answers?
Life is a commodity that doesn%26#039;t not come with an owner%26#039;s manuel. Why shouldn%26#039;t anyone ask for advise based on the facts and not on personal biases?
Isn%26#039;t it pathetic how we ask strangers for answers?
Well it just kept on drifting.
Reply:If this is true then that makes you pathetic. I do not believe you are. I believe we as humans ask others questions because we need help with an experience we are not familiar with, but they may be.
Reply:Not really..

If it%26#039;s a personal or embarrassing question that you need to ask yet don%26#039;t want to ask friends/family, then this is the perfect place.

Nobody knows you, but lots are willing to help, (:
Reply:Knowledge begins with the admission of ignorance.
Reply:Nothing pathetic about it. Helping others out is a very human trait.
Reply:Dick head.
Reply:It is not so pathetic as it is revealing about the nature of human relationships. Here one seeks contact, consolation, and advice away from the context of whom one is, because knowing one another implies not only emotional involvement, but uneasy recognition of self. It is easier to deal with others and their opinions when one controls the situation, and certainly with a stranger, one can control what (s)he wishes to reveal about self.

One can be anything here - what (s)he would like to seem in reality, doesn%26#039;t dare seem in reality, or even let the darkest side of personality prevail. It%26#039;s all a game, isn%26#039;t it? And oh so comfortingly anonymous!

Actually, pathos resides in the human condition as a whole.
Reply:Knowledge is a rare commodity because we can give it or sell it and still keep it. In fact, it increases with use because sharing it with others reinforces what we ourselves know.

So, no, it%26#039;s not pathetic and I thank you for your question. Ask another.
Reply:The sand drift? Everybody is a stranger to a degree and a family member to a degree. The question of where to place the line of difference is individually answered.
Reply:Not really, because sometimes a stranger can see your question differently from a member of your own family/friends. Sometimes it needs an outsider to help you either solve your question, or think about things in a better light,,, anyway, all advice is helpful...
Reply:Nope. Some of us are quite clever.

It%26#039;s also sometimes easier to get a straight answer from a stranger.
Reply:Ignorance is unfortunate and less than ideal, but only a bad thing when one chooses to remain ignorant. So, I%26#039;d say asking questions, of anyone, is far from pathetic. True, a stranger may not be the best source for factual/correct information, especially via cyberspace--because of anonymity, the true identity of an individual is unknown. The validity of the answers obtained is also unknown. But, from what I have seen, it seems that a large number of people ask questions to get others%26#039; opinions, and at times, advice. Again, strangers aren%26#039;t the %26quot;best%26quot; source for this, but at times the advice given here is very thoughtful and apt. And if the person posing the question is satisfied with the answer, they probably count the experience as positive. Also, it seems that a great deal of people pose questions or statement/questions to encourage debate and discussion (some seem to enjoy causing controversy). I enjoy the questions that invite debate and discussion. Maybe I%26#039;m a bit slow-witted this morning, but no, I don%26#039;t readily see what you are implying by %26quot;catch the drift.%26quot; =)
Reply:At allow us to ask without humiliation (generally speaking) and we can answer in truth (that is what I try to do anyway) without fear of rejection.
Reply:Hardly. Quite the opposite. Not asking someone for the answer to a question that we do not know if foolish.

The most common example is the person who refuses to ask for directions. Wandering for minutes and hours, wasting time and wasting gas, rather just asking someone.
Reply:Not really, though I think it depends on the type of question. Lots of people get on here and ask questions about cooking, movies, job hunting, sports, and so on, and I can%26#039;t see how that%26#039;s anything near pathetic. On the other hand, I will say that some of the marriage/relationship questions strike me as odd. Of course, free advice is usually worth what you pay for it.
Reply:Most of our presumed %26quot;answers%26quot; concering matters of imorotance come from strangers...
Reply:nopes.. you gotta get answers somewhere.. and if it%26#039;s a stranger whom you ask, so be it.
Reply:%26quot;You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star...%26quot; Nietzsche

With the chaos starts the doubt, with the doubt begins the thinking...

And 5 , 6 or more heads think better than one, don`t they?

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