Thursday, March 26, 2009

What is a good creative outlet?

If you%26#039;re thinking drawing, writing,.. - be more specific

Im looking for something unique perhaps......?
What is a good creative outlet?
Yahoo Answers itself.

My hair.

My clothes.

My tattoos.

The book of poetry and musings I%26#039;m slowly, slowly assembling.




Rearranging the furniture and posters in my apartment.

Learning to build my own website.
What is a good creative outlet?
If you feel that you have something inside you that needs to be expressed to the world then do it. Creativity comes from within. Music, Painting, Sculpture, Pottery, Poetry, Crafts of all kinds can be used as a creative outlet. As long as you put your emotions and feelings into whatever you do you have your creative outlet. Be passionate about whatever you do, and you won%26#039;t need to look any further.
Reply:scrapebooking your photos.


baking pies from scratch.

sewing your own dresses.
Reply:I have a lot of creative outlets. But really you just have to find something you enjoy doing.

I do draw and write, but There%26#039;s also painting, sewing things, making videos on you tube, and playing an instument. Any of these sound interesting to you ? I think it%26#039;s also fun to mute the tv and make my own voices to the shows. But I%26#039;m not sure if that%26#039;s necissarily a creative outlet. lol

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