Thursday, March 26, 2009

Who is more intelligent - a girl or a boy?

considering all the sides of life-whether it is emtional or mental or physical.
Who is more intelligent - a girl or a boy?
Ridiculous. Both the same.
Who is more intelligent - a girl or a boy?
Reply:being a guy my self i would say girls are
Reply:Men%26#039;s brains are larger, but intelligence can%26#039;t be judged on ones sex
Reply:Neither, kids are all stupid.
Reply:girls they mature faster .. but then at a certain time the boys will catch on!
Reply:They are somehow the same you know... any of them could be more intelligent you know it actually depends a lot of the IQ... although I would like to state that all of the geniuses have been boys... Isaac Newton.... Einstein... etc
Reply:Depends on the person not the gender, and dont you start getting cocky girls.
Reply:it depends
Reply:Well, if you base it on the questions asked here on Y!A, then most definitely not girls...
Reply:Usually it girls.
Reply:girl because they are smart enough to not fight and get hurt. they just talk their way to fight. we are more complicated which makes us more intelligent. just saying.
Reply:I don%26#039;t think there is really a set answer for this one it%26#039;s kinda like comparing apples and oranges because of the differences are so great.So basically it is more the individual than the actual sex of a person.
Reply:emotionally- girls. in school years, you think everything through that you are going to say, if its not cool, or rude, or weird, etc., so the other girls dont kick you out. We go through a lot more in middle school and high school than most boys ever do in theirs lives.

The othr 2.. mental and physical, that really depends.
Reply:Boy = 9 missing 1

Girl = 1 missing 9

Combine boys and girls= 10 (perfect.)
Reply:boys because we rule, but when u look at the same, they just both have different strengths and weak
Reply:Hmm...A girl is more careful and can do many things at once..

but guys can only do one thing at once thats why they can do greater and more difficult things in life....

I think the brain of a boy is structured for advance logical reasoning. Girls are different. some get to do great things and become someone in life....
Reply:boys are smarter just look at directors and kings people who make computers and people who are into science most of them are boys.

I%26#039;m glad I%26#039;m a boy cause boys are smarter then girls :)
Reply:Girl : Always look into details, have more emotions. More mature in doing stuff and thinking stuff more emotionally like to think stuff with feelings

Guy: Brain is more...explored? And physically much stronger. Mentally cold-blooded-er than girls
Reply:Can intelligence even be measured? The capacity for reasoning and understanding in regards to any aspect of life varies from one individual to another, irrespective of gender.
Reply:a girl
Reply:sometime girl is more intelligent then boy and sometime boy is more intelligent then girl. actually it depend on the situation.
Reply:I mean in general, boys have somewhat more emotional intelligence but use it in different ways as girls. Mentally boys are raised to be tough and girls more understanding so mentally girls are more intelligent, in general.Physically boys are more intelligence as far as being made better for physical activities but girls%26#039; bodies mature quicker, in general. But there are always the exeptions to the general picture.
Reply:It%26#039;s almost impossible to judge gender intelligence because it is so different. Evolution has given the girl more dexterity and stronger intuition and foresight than the boys. She also has a higher pain tolerance and greater concentration. Language skills are superior.

However, the boy has greater physical strength, better defensive skills, and (believe it or not) more ability in building physical things. Without boys and men, cities would not be built and defended. On the other hand, without girls, men would not be inspired to build.

The two groups handle conflict differently. The male reaction is fight and win. Take it all. The female reaction is talk it out. Compromise. It very much depends on the situation as to who should be sent in to negotiate.
Reply:it really depends..because girls studies usually and is careful, unlike a guy, they don%26#039;t study and get pretty good marks girls are more intelligent, but if they don%26#039;t study guys are more intelligent.

Reply:Deffentally the girl :)
Reply:I think most women are more emotionally intelligent.

Mental it depends either one could be smarter than the other.
Reply:If you mean intelligence in terms of grades on school tests it is well known that girls are more intelligent. This is also reflected by the fact that more girls go to college than boys and more graduate. But part of this is a matter of motivation. Boys have to see a more direct benefit to %26quot;intelligent behavior%26quot; before they will do it. They will not be %26quot;intelligent%26quot; on demand as easily.

In terms of IQ tests boys and girls typically have the same distributions if you blend the verbal and math scores together. But historically boys have done better than girls in math and vise versa for the verbal. But I think it largely depends on how verbal the home life is. For example I would read to my kids for an hour every evening and my daughter got a perfect 800 SAT verbal but the interesting thing is that my son made a higher verbal score (745) than his math (690) on his SAT.
Reply:boy, but they dont use their brain.....
Reply:Both Genders can be as smart or stupid as they desire.

Anyone who said they%26#039;re own is better is too cocky.

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