Thursday, March 26, 2009

Three things you want to do in your life time?

1. Publish something (likely)

2. Achieve some measure of political power (not likely)

3. Not die (totally impossible)
Three things you want to do in your life time?
Hmm probably travel the world... I%26#039;d say Greece, Italy, and hmm i dono maybe egypt :P AS well as somewhere tropical.

I want to have built a life for myself, gain wisdom and knowledge, know myself, and be happy with who i am %26amp;my life

Then i want to meet my better half and do everything else with him, and of course someday have a family
Three things you want to do in your life time?
Travel Europe extensively, maybe even move there (art).

Engender kindness.

Hang around (i%26#039;m 50) for just one more incarnation of %26quot;Star Trek%26quot;.
Reply:1) convince people that polls aren%26#039;t philosophy

2) have people stop asking %26quot;what is the meaning of life?%26quot;

3) have more sex
Reply:Realistically- have a big happy family, live on a farm, and become an amazing massage therapist.
Reply:1. Jump out of an air plane

2. Get Married

3. Go see the Pyramids
Reply:fall in love with someone who loves me back unconditionally, pursue and succeed in a profession that i love (singing, acting [voice-over/indie], cooking or writing), Just be happy.
Reply:to be happy with who iv become and what iv achieved

to have success in life

to have friends and family that i love and tust
Reply:i want to learn... anything %26amp; everything. like many people i have the capacity but not the opportunity for education %26amp; it kills me that my mind is being wasted...

i want to travel... unfortunately, once again finances hold me back, all my life my dream job has been wildlife photography or filmmaking, but i dont even have money for a camera let alone a flight to a tropical paradise...

i want to make a stable life for my daughter... sadly even this, something everyone should me able to do, eludes me. why? once again, it%26#039;s about money!

it seems to me that there should only be one thing i should want to do in my life %26amp; that%26#039;s win the bloody lottery! i guess this is what i get for not being moneygrabbing %26amp; materialistic like most people...
Reply:1. I want to be a good human being.

2. I want to be a good human being.

3. I want to be a good human being.
Reply:1. Hike the ruins of Manchu Picchu.

2. Live as a very poor person in Europe.

3. Get my black belt in taekwondo.

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