Thursday, March 26, 2009

What is easy for you: to forgive, or to forget?

Thanks for your kind response!
What is easy for you: to forgive, or to forget?
For me - easier to forgive. You can%26#039;t change the past, but if you try to forget you might miss a lesson learned, or lose an important part of your past. I know people who forget, when it comes to broken relationships, but don;t forgive, and all the good times are lost, just leaving a residue of bitterness and regret.

Moving on, while holding onto the good things.. it%26#039;s hard and doesn%26#039;t always work, but worth the effort.
What is easy for you: to forgive, or to forget?

I can forgive , but I can never forget.

Forgiveness is guaranteed because it%26#039;s for my own sake that%26#039;s I%26#039;m forgiving that person.

But this person will always know that I%26#039;ll never forget...and it%26#039;s something that cannot be %26quot;fixed%26quot; or %26quot;reproached%26quot;..


Reply:I would forget because if that person has done something wrong to me i would rather forget and move on
Reply:We forgive when we are able to forget, and we can forget only when we feel we are understood or have been heard or recompensed for the injury we have incurred.

Forgiveness is given only when the asker is able to acknowledge their wrongdoing and has taken steps to amend their ways and right their wrongs.
Reply:it%26#039;s easier to forget.

if the shortcoming hasn%26#039;t been squared up between me and the person, it is indeed easier to forget the person and what he did to me.

one day, when our paths should cross again unavoidably, i may give the person a piece of my mind, and make him apologize for his misgiving, from there i take my way and move on.

i am not a person who can be light-hearted again to socialize with people who have hurt me. I just stay away.
Reply:Easier to forgive.

To me, to forget would be to doom myself to making the same or worse mistakes. Or to forget would allow others to use the same abuses against me.

If I don%26#039;t remember and learn from the past, I will not grow in personality and mature in adulthood.

We cannot change the past, but forgetting it would be foolish.

As the saying goes, %26quot;Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.%26quot;

We can remember the past without dwelling in those memories.
Reply:I think that is much easier to forgive. Although you have let go of the hard feelings, the memories of being hurt will never leave you.
Reply:To Forget, I have a bad memory...
Reply:Personally I don%26#039;t think that forgetting has anything to do with forgiving. Because to forgive you have to remember so something like that will never happen again, you just have to come to terms with it, accept it. If you do not know history you are doomed to repeat it.

Forgiveness is often overused and has no sincerity behind it; I I honestly believe that people should not say these things unless they mean it. The dictionary defines forgiveness as the act of excusing a mistake or offense. But I believe forgiveness is a powerful statement that goes beyond words, you must be able to back it up with your true feelings. When people do somethings where a moment overwhelms them and they forget the consequences, often it doesn鈥檛 portray their true personality or feelings towards you. Your feelings of remorse and moving on are stronger than your feelings of grief and anger toward the past situation.
Reply:Forgetting is a gift given by the existence,so it is easy.

Forgiving comes out of the understanding of life,it is arduous.
Reply:Forgive, yes. Forget never! I don%26#039;t really believe in astrology, but I do notice that Scorpions do have a %26#039;sting on their tail%26#039;. That%26#039;s probably why we get on well together, because we know that any %26#039;false%26#039; move won%26#039;t be forgotten.
Reply:Memmories are treasured, although so easily forgotten. Forgive me for pointing out that holding a grudge is human and to forgive requires a higher level of understanding. Forgetfullness is easier, as it doesn%26#039;t require much thinking about, but forgiveness requires better nature, but means some sort of universal happiness in the long term.

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