Thursday, March 26, 2009

Who has it worse in life? men or women?

what do you think?
Who has it worse in life? men or women?
Men...although it is no walk in the park for women either.
Who has it worse in life? men or women?
You have to be more specific about what you mean by worse for that to be a useful or meaningful question.
Reply:Men dont have to go around with babies and stuff inside them, thats pretty bad i reckon. we just have to do a poo not have a baby
Reply:I think women. There is so much pressure on us to look super slim and sexy ALL the time, and we are judged for not wearing the latest trends or whatever. I know there%26#039;s pressure on men too but I personally believe the pressure to look good is greater on women. We are expected to conform to the size zero models on the catwalk and for many of us (myself included) this could never be a reality. I drive a Mitsubishi pick-up truck (L200 Warrior) and people look at me like I must be this butch lesbian because of it. I feel like hanging a sign on the bumper saying %26quot;I use this to tow my horse trailer%26quot;! Though men don%26#039;t have it that easy either, that%26#039;s just my opinion.
Reply:I think that they are pretty equal. women have that monthly thing from hell and pregnancy while men have to endure the emotional beatings from women! however, if men find other men attractive and stay away from females, they could avoid this altogether.
Reply:Men?!! What!! I wish I were a man... You guys have it easy!! Women have it worse in life-- 9 months of carrying around a bowling ball in your stomach, 26 hours of painstaking labor, stomach left looking like a road map... THEN you have to care for this new addition to the world. And if you%26#039;re like most women in America, you have to raise the child on your own because most boys don%26#039;t seem to mature to MANhood!!

I don%26#039;t have children yet, but trust me.... I%26#039;m not looking forward to it. %26quot;Men%26quot; have it easy in America... especially if you are a white male. Life couldn%26#039;t be easier
Reply:in the normal day routine catagory, ill say woman because men are led by common sense and when we see stupidity we laff at it..whereas women are led by emotion and they suck up everything in there surroundings like a sponge as if all of it is affectual to about

in child rearing definitely the women..i wouldnt wanna think about pushing anything out my *****

in careers id say men, because predominately ..not all but most men do manly jobs, construction,farming,and so on

in womens feilds they are predominately behind a desk with a/c and no constant screaming from the boss....

o i almost forgot...the skinny thing is on women too but thats all in there head...guys just dont have to care..unless theyre those nuetered males...girls have it stuck in there head that they have to be hot....not that that dont help but regardless they do that to themselves.....thats my 2 cents
Reply:A simple answer to this would be to find which are most happy.
Reply:Feeling sorry for ourselves isn%26#039;t a solution to any problem that either gender may face in life.

Men have it worse, but they choose to keep things the way that they are.

Women have it worse, but they choose to keep things the way that they are.
Reply:It%26#039;s all a bad bargain. I feel women got the worst wrap.But frankly they are creating it to be even worse for themselves. Frankly better to take up the process of Self realization and realize that we are not this material body, IE; Race, color, nationality, Religion, gender, mind, intellect, senses, job, etc. We are all eternal spirit souls, part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, also known as Krishna, Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, etc. We never die, only this mortal body dies. This material world is not our real home, it is called Maya (illusion) and is temporary and full of misery, only one fourth of the souls come here, and the rest are enjoying blissful eternal loving relationships with our Maker named above. We fell here due to envying Gods position. He made the material world for those who want to try to live separately from Him (Which is impossible because He is actually everywhere). After many lifetimes of trying to be happy in this temporary world, one becomes frustrated and board and begins to question their existence. We then seek out real happiness, and when one becomes sincere God reveals how to come back Home. Those who are intelligent, take up the process of self realization (Bhakti Yoga), which begins with the chanting of the Maha Mantra, (the great mantra for deliverance from all suffering and illusion), which gives one real peace, happiness and reality. (see my profile for a link for all info on this mantra). Then at the end of life, they can give up all material attachments and fully surrender to God and return to the eternal Kingdom, where there is no more birth, death, old age, or disease and be eternally happy. For info. Go to Read Bhagavad Gita- As it is by Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada you can read it on line.

I coose Reality, so next life I get my real spiritual body, not this lump of flesh. Peace and love.

Things that made me thought of these were the crime rates high, mostly were men,

most homeless too were men,

most dangerous jobs were for men,

toughest resposibilities in the society were mostly for men.

most layed out at work were men..and

most fall into temptations were men.

Because men have the toughest challenges here on earth!

Their masculinity (masculine energy itself) is as strong as the challenges that they have to face in life. Sometimes even more.
Reply:A lot depends on how you define what makes life good or bad. If it%26#039;s SALARY men are ahead women earn less, RESPECT of colleagues men still have the advantage amongst men, WORK the saying a man works from dawn to dusk but a woman%26#039;s work is never done is still relevant today although women now work in the home and out. There are exceptions in both genders. One more thing childbirth is worth it.
Reply:I think both men and women has equal pains in life but I think women endure more. However, each has equal rewards and happiness. Women suffer with periods, menopause, pregnancy/childbirth, career, domestic duties, keeping yourself attractive and stay in fashion, and sex without being in the mood. However, women have many great things in life, i.e. love for their children that cannot compare to men, active and close relationships with friends which you can talk out the most personal matters (it relieves stress and sometimes get good advice and empathy), etc. Mother and daughters usually end up as best friends when they are older. Why do you think women receive a lot more phone calls and cards on mother%26#039;s day than on father%26#039;s day. When men pilots is about to have a plane crash, most say %26quot;I love you mom%26quot;. Steve Martin once said, %26quot;America is Mom, Apple Pie and Toyotas%26quot;. Women is surrounded by love from family, relatives and friends. When I eat my mother%26#039;s cooking, it is delicious because it contains love as an ingredient no chef can add. Receiving and giving love is the most enriching experience for women in their lives.

For men, he is expected to be the bread winner and usually experience great stress in keeping and upgrading their career path. Times are very tough and stressful if he loses his job and desperately find a new one. By tradition men are taught not to cry and talk about their problems. Many men will hold in the painful emotion and it can manifest itself in anger even verbal and physical abuse. They are hesitant to talk with men friends about their personal problems. Some men must join the military and in front lines risking their lives. And men always have the %26quot;honey do list%26quot; to do.

Men generally do less in a relationship. Their escape is watching sports on TV, going out with the guys, play sports like golf or tennis.

My motto is %26quot;give generously and you shall receive more than you gave, give little you get back less than you gave%26quot;.
Reply:Women! We have been prejudiced against since the beginning of time. Women have always been referred to as the lesser sex. We live in a masculine society. Furthermore, women are expected to be perfect. Slim, beautiful, etc. and if we%26#039;re not, we%26#039;re considered even more inferior. If a man is assertive or even belligerent, he is just considered opinionated. However, if a woman displays the same characteristics, she is a b#%26amp;ch. And, all of this is on top of what we have for a week each month.

I do find it interesting though that everyone seems to think that their sex is the most put upon.
Reply:I%26#039;d say women.

Women, to be accepted by society, are supposed to be skinny, sexy whores, while men are allowed to be fat slobs who leech off their wives (no offense men, my father was like this) For example, Family Guy.

Women have periods that hurt like a guy getting kicked in the balls for a whole week 24/7, our first sex hurts like a moT.her. fu.ckrrr. and pregnancy is hell.

We have to slather makeup over ourselves every morning and do our hair to be %26quot;beautiful%26quot;.

Men, they have it much easier, I%26#039;d say.

Then again, we women get to kick them in the balls whenever we want them to have instant pain %26gt;D

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