Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do you believe in faith?

Yes, faith clearly exists.

But that doesn%26#039;t mean I have to like it...

Edit: Judging by the additional details, I think you meant %26#039;fate%26#039;. In which case, no. Things just happen. Sometimes not even for a good cause%26amp;effect reason.
Do you believe in faith?
Faith is something that you can do. There is no doubt that it is real.
Do you believe in faith?
yes, faith can do wonders.
Reply:faith clearly exists, there is no qeuestion.

If you mean a cosmic reason, no.

Cause and effect, that%26#039;s it
Reply:The function of the mind is to make rapid assumptions based on partial data.

Faith is all we have.
Reply:How come u guys all think %26quot;oh fate? Of course it exists.%26quot; What proof do u have? I don%26#039;t think fate exists. but faith is just beliving in something w/ no proof. Heck, i belive in magic... thats faith. So... faith exists but i don%26#039;t think fate does.
Reply:No not in blind faith! But in faith/confidence that arise with wisdom and clear comprehension.

If it is Fate you are asking:

Everything arise due to conditions coming together, when condition change so does the occurrence, so Fate is not an ultimate truth.
Reply:You use faith in your daily life every single day. How?

Well, when you go to bed at night you have faith that you are going to get up the next morning. Then when you turn on the shower, you have faith that the water is going to come out and will be at the temperature you set it on. Then when you get in the car, you have faith that it is going to start and faith that it is going to get you to where you need to go. Then when you get to work, you have faith that your job will still be there, faith that the chair you sit on is going to hold you up, etc., etc., etc.

You even had faith that people would read and answer your question. So, yes I do believe in faith.

Of course, I also believe in and have faith in God. Do I think things necessarily happen for a reason. I don%26#039;t know, but I have enough faith in God not to question his wisdom. We only see things from this side, but he knows the end from the beginning so I choose to rely on him knowing what%26#039;s best for me in the LONG run.


Thanks for the thumbs down. I had faith that I was going to get some and you didn%26#039;t let me down. See, faith does exist and it works!!

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