Thursday, March 26, 2009

What does ambiguity of life mean?

I do not understand. It had something to do with the doubtfulness of life but I still dont get what that means. Could you please explain and be very specific and maybe give an example. Thank you.
What does ambiguity of life mean?
Google existentialism.

Life being ambiguous is an existential philosophy.
What does ambiguity of life mean?
There are situations in which we want the future to arrive as soon as possible, others in which we want it to arrive in due course, and still others in which we do not want it to arrive at all.

There is the desire to put the past behind us, to drown it in the waters of Lethe. But there is also the competing desire to finger lovingly the relics of the past, cherishing, recalling, re-living. First thing upon arising, I open my journal to record the previous day%26#039;s trivia so that far into the future I may enjoy the delectation of the details of my particular life. But then an hour later I%26#039;m in the Burmese posture on the black mat attempting the purgation of memory and the prosoche of the moment in quest of an awareness that is pre-personal and pre-particular.

There are times when we want to flee the present, and times when we want to remain in it, saying to it: %26quot;Verweile doch, du bist so schoen!%26quot; (Goethe, Faust)
Reply:seems that statement is ambiguous without can be interpreted different ways depending on who hears it. I take it to mean that life is what you make of it. There is no single %26quot;meaning%26quot; or %26quot;purpose%26quot; of life (which flies in the face of Christianity, by the way. I fully expect like a trillion thumbs downs). But a lot of people wander through life wondering at their purpose and the purpose of life on this planet in general. Each species has a life cycle that will eventually die out and in the grand scheme of things, what does it all mean and what was it%26#039;s purpose? Do you see what that means? Ambiguity?
Reply:Nothing is a sure thing. We think we know the answers but we don%26#039;t. In the end we all get out smarted.

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