Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do you stick to you own gut instincts?

or let others sway you their way
Do you stick to you own gut instincts?
Do you stick to you own gut instincts?
Most of the time... And the times i havent, iregret.

So follow your instincts.. can%26#039;t do you wrong.
Reply:I usually go w/ my gut. . . unless a gun is being pointed at it.
Reply:Depends if you are a leader or if you are a follower. I am very independent so letting people sway me their way is not a happening thing. I just told me mom what this question was and she agreed with my answer. If you are a follower you will tend to keep in your own ideas in fear of losing potential grasp with a group. If you are independent like me and a leader, you choose to let out your ideas and be the person everyone follows. Whatever you do, and its not just becuase im independent, dont let people throw you around, if you have an idea, let it with no fear

Hope this helps
Reply:depends, do you really think people do things one way all the time?
Reply:I stick to what I believe is right, which sometimes is just a little common sense. I don%26#039;t give anyone a sermon, just my opinion. Whether they do it or not is up to them. You can%26#039;t let people sway you. You have to have some self-confidence.
Reply:Depends if I really trust the person who is telling me this. I decide whether I agree or not. Also, the only way us humans have known rite form wrong was being taught to believe it. Who taught u math a teacher. Who taught u religion, a priest or rabbi or something.
Reply:I stick to my gut. peer pressure doesn%26#039;t really work on me :)
Reply:More times than not.I%26#039;ve learned to trust my %26quot;gut instincts%26quot; over my span of 60 yrs.
Reply:I usually stick to my gut.

like on everything.


tests at school.

opinions on people. (cuz i%26#039;m usually right)

and a lottt more.
Reply:I stick to my gut instincts they have never let me down I am not easity swayed what is good for others is not neccessarily good for me and vice versa
Reply:always stick to the instincts of myself

they are always right for me
Reply:I don%26#039;t go with my gut when I can go with my logic instead. Still, I try not to be dogmatic or close minded, so I%26#039;m always willing to be persuaded by a better logical argument than my own.

Honestly, take a look at George W. Bush. He%26#039;s a guy who goes with his gut and doesn%26#039;t let others sway his opinion. It may have gotten him to the White House, but it%26#039;s screwed so many other people in the US, Iraq, and elsewhere in the process that I can%26#039;t help but see it as a terribly flawed philosophy.

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