Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do you think colours influence our life? How?

Do you think colours influence our life? How?
skin colours?? or like... red blue orange ?
Do you think colours influence our life? How?
lol a mental game of 23?
Reply:yes it influenxes ouir choices. like which toothbrush we buy which tshirt we like ect ect. also it alerts uys of things like stop sines and such
Reply:Bright colors can capture one%26#039;s attention. Why do you think all the advertisers use bright colors?
Reply:i think to an extent, yes.

for an example the only place that i had vivid, imaginative dreams is in my room and nowhere else, and my room is FILLED with bright colors like lime green and pink.
Reply:no, no i don%26#039;t.
Reply:Of course colors affect how we act, think, and feel. Especially our emotions. You may not realize it, but on a day when your feeling gloomy you may pick a dark shirt instead of a bright shirt.
Reply:Well, if there were no colors, I guess you couldn%26#039;t see anything, because everything would be the same, which would be the color of nothing-- does that make it invisible? And then so I guess that colors are pretty important. Plus, they make life beautiful. Like, if you say, %26quot;Oh, she%26#039;s a nice baby, isn%26#039;t she?%26quot;, its not the same as %26quot;Oh, she%26#039;s a nice baby, isn%26#039;t she? With her GOLDEN hair, SKY-BLUE eyes, ROSY CHEEKS and IVORY-WHITE TEETH.%26quot;
Reply:Yes, colour is so important. There%26#039;s a song called Gun Hill which is about that, it has this lyric which is %26quot;Finding the right Colours%26quot;, just seems to highlight how its something you can appreciate any moment of the day whatever you are doing, wherever you are. The song can be heard on
Reply:Traffic light colors effect my driving. Colors on my computer monitor make it easier for me to see things. Colors allow us to recognize how ripe a fruit is. Colors influence every aspect of our lives.
Reply:Yeah totally, even what colour of clothes I choose to wear depends on how I%26#039;m feeling that day. eg if I%26#039;m feeling bold and impulsive i%26#039;d wear red..and calm and collected..light blue! for me, colours amplify human emotions and certain colours (such as yellow) can instantly make me feel happier!
Reply:Influence is an issue of locus of control. Despite how you might feel in the presence of a colour, it is you who creates the feelings and the actions. Attributing your actions and choices to something external also prevents you from maintaining control of your life
Reply:I%26#039;d answer if I weren%26#039;t feeling blue.
Reply:yes, they did
Reply:I think women are more aware of colors than men are. A woman will often choose a new car based on color. I know I look at other things in a car, and am not really aware of the color for the first couple of days (unless it was pink of course). Men do pay attention to the color of their clothes, most of the time. But women seem to put a greater emphasis on it. These are personal observations.
Reply:yes but I don%26#039;t know why.
Reply:it influences everything, our emotions are led by color, funny thing is that color doesn%26#039;t really exist
Reply:i think coulers mean every thing to our life because if we didant have coulers every thing would be dull and borning and little todlars couldent do things like coulouring in
Reply:Yes . It depends on your date of birth.Some colours will be good and some will be bad for you.Just think of most memorable days and the colour of dress you were wearing on that day.
Reply:yeaps. like you would be easily angered if you are in a red room instead of a blue room.. colours affect our lives.. that%26#039;s why they have colour therapy (or whatever they call it)..
Reply:%26quot;Is color to be understood as an objective part of reality, a property of objects with a status similar to shape and size? Or is color more like pain, to be found only in experience and so somehow subjective? Or is color more like what some have said about time--that it seems real until we reflect enough, where we come ultimately to dismiss it as mere illusion? If color is more like shape and size, can we give a scientific account of it?%26quot;

Google %26quot;philosophy of color%26quot; and you%26#039;ll come up with lots of material.
Reply:Yes.Red excites, blue calms,and so on.
Reply:We are programmed at a very early age about colours,pink and blue being the first.,I feel blue,he saw red,red has always meant danger.Yellow and black is also a danger sign in the animal kingdom,meaning,back off,don%26#039;t touch.Colours are used extensively in marketing,toys and confectionery are always brightly coloured to attract children.There is more depression in the winter due to a lack of colour.So,yes I believe colours have a great influence on our everyday lives.
Reply:They influence my life sometiems by being overwhelming and busy - I find nature colours easier to cope with than masses of light s adn advertising and signs. I cut out all colour information inmy home and it is psychologically a lot easier for me.

Although some peopel attribute universal values to colours it seems a very personal realtionship so I think we make our own meanings for each colour.

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